Examples of Atlantic herring in a sentence
Weekly Atlantic herring catch reports must be submitted via the IVR system by midnight each Tuesday, eastern time, for the previous week.
Small cetacean and pinniped species observed seriously injured and/or killed by Category II midwater trawl fisheries in the affected environment of the Atlantic herring fishery.
No person may process Atlantic herring for purposes other than human consumption.
Furthermore, notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1)(i)(L), for the purposes of the Atlantic herring fishery, her- rings landings history generated by separate owners of a single vessel at different times may be used the qualify more than one vessel, provided that each owner applying for a limited ac- cess permit, demonstrates that he/she created distinct fishing histories, and that such histories have been retained.
As a result, this gear type is not expected to pose an interaction risk with small cetacean species, and therefore, is not expected to be source of serious injury or mortality to any small cetacean.Purse seines, however, specifically those operating in the Gulf of Maine targeting Atlantic herring, are known to interact with pinniped species.
With regard to the potential for biomagnification of PAHs, feeding studies show that assimilation rates from ingested food are extremely low, e.g., more than 98% of the target contaminant remained in an undigested form in fish gut 48 hours after feeding squid containing radio-labeled benzo[a]pyrene to young cod (Corner, et al., 1976) and juvenile Atlantic herring (Whittle, et al., 1977) .
There have been no observed small cetacean interactions with purse seines used to prosecute any Greater Atlantic Region fishery (primarily Gulf of Maine Atlantic herring).
States are required to implement weekly reporting by all non-federally permitted fishermen on Atlantic herring (including mobile and fixed gear).
Vessels with an Atlantic herring permit are not prohibited from participating in other fisheries for other species in restricted areas during days out of the Atlantic herring fishery.
Weekly Atlantic herring catch reports must be submitted via the IVR system by midnight, Eastern Time, each Tuesday for the previous week.