Examples of Average Power Factor in a sentence
Consumers under this schedule shall maintain an Average Power Factor of not less than 0.90 (90%).
In case the Average Power Factor falls below 0.90 (90%),a surcharge @ 1% of Energy Charges for every 0.01 (1%) fall in average power factor below 0.90 (90%), shall be charged.
Consumers under this schedule shall maintain an Average Power Factor of not less than0.90 (90%).
The minimum Billing Demand under this Rate Schedule shall be 50 kWs. DETERMINATION OF AVERAGE POWER FACTOR The Average Power Factor for the month shall be determined by computation from the registration of a Watt-Hour Meter, and a reactive volt-ampere-hour meter, by dividing the registration of the Watt- Hour Meter by the square root of the sum of the square of the registration of the Watt-Hour Meter and the square of the registration of the reactive volt-ampere-hour meter.
In case the Average Power Factor falls below 0.90 (90%),a surcharge @ 1% of Energy Charges for every 0.01 (1%) fall in average power factor below 0.90 (90%), shall be charged.Also an incentive of 0.5% of Energy Charges shall be provided for each 0.01 (1%) improvement above 0.95 (95%) till 0.97 (97%).