Examples of Energy factor in a sentence
Energy factor will be calculated according to the test procedure listed in Section 4.
Energy factor market prices, the shape of the energy price curves, and weather metrics are consistently shown to be statistically significant determinants of office building transaction prices, suggesting that commercial office building prices are likely to be exposed to shocks in these markets.
Energy factor factors prominently into the region’s efforts to address these challenges at the wholesale level.
For example, in 2002, hydrocarbon resources share in Kazakhstan’s export to the EU was 78,2 %, according to data of Christopher Ford, the European Commission trade coordinator for Central Asia.11 Energy factor determines European policy toward Kazakhstan, and will deepen cooperation with Astana in this sphere.
Energy factor will be calculated according to the test procedure provided in Section 4.
Energy factor is defined in subclause 2(1) of Standard 1.2.8. Specific energy factors for each food component are given in the tables to subclause 2(2) of Standard 1.2.8 and are also in Attachment 4 of this User Guide.
The Average Throughput of AODV was found to approach to 91%, the Average throughput of DSDV descends obviously when the routing change was frequent and the routing discovery of DSDV became more difficulty.RESEARCH GAPS• There was no paper that made comparison among the mobility models.• Energy factor was not taken into account.• It was not clear whether reactive routing protocols performed well at high mobility or low mobility.
Thus, China actively promotes the idea of creation of Free Trade Zone in frame of the SCO13.• Energy factor.
Energy factor - enough energy in the collision for the formation of an activated complex, where bonds are breaking and new ones forming.
Gas or All All ASHRAE 146 ET = 78 percent Oil Heat Pump All All ASHRAE 146 COP = 4.0 TERMS: EF = Energy factor, minimum overall efficiency.