Loss Factor means the scaling factor determined in accordance with clause 6 and applied by the reconciliation manager to volumes of electricity measured or estimated in respect of ICPs on the Network, in order to reflect the impact of the ICP on Losses within the Network;
Loss Factor as used in rule 19.10(476) means test-year purchases less test-year sales. A five-year average of purchases less sales may be used if the test year is determined by the board to be abnormal. “Main” means a gas pipe, owned, operated, or maintained by a utility, which is used for the purpose
Loss Factor as used in rule 19.10(476) means test-year purchases less test-year sales. A five-year average of purchases less sales may be used if the test year is determined by the board to be abnormal.
Examples of Loss Factor in a sentence
If, at any time, the Trader considers that 1 or more Loss Factors notified by the Distributor are not appropriate, or that the methodology or information used to calculate the Loss Factor is incorrect, the Trader may make a written complaint to the Distributor.
More Definitions of Loss Factor
Loss Factor means a network adjustment charge based on electricity lost during transmission to your premises.
Loss Factor means the factor(s) expressed as 1.XXXX appearing in Schedule 11 (or as separately notified to the Retailer) to be applied to the electricity measured or estimated as having been delivered to an ICP (or NSP for an embedded network) in order to allocate a share of the expected Losses within the network to that ICP, such loss factor(s) to be determined by the Distributor in accordance with this agreement and published from time to time;
Loss Factor means the factor applied to consumption information at the ICP or NSP (for an embedded network) to allow for losses within the local network or embedded network to produce equivalent consumption information at the relevant NSP;
Loss Factor means the factor determined by the Distributor from time to time, by which electricity metered at the Consumer's Network Connection Point or agreed Metering Point is increased to determine the electricity for which the Retailer is responsible to purchase within the Distribution Network;
Loss Factor. For a Selected Project located outside Zone J, the as-bid parameter capturing the reduction in Zone J capacity resulting from line losses. The Loss Factor under this Agreement shall be ____. [For a Selected Project located in Zone J, the Loss Factor shall be zero.]
Loss Factor means the 3% commercial loss factor applied to every
Loss Factor means the factor(s) expressed as 0.XXX appearing in the Price Book, and as amended by the Distributor from time to time in accordance with this agreement.