Badly misshapen. ’ means that the peach is so decidedly deformed that its appearance is seriously affected.
Badly misshapen. ’ means that the fruit is so malformed or rough that its appearance is seriously affected. Dou- bles shall be considered badly mis- shapen, except that doubles of Italian type prunes which have approximately equal halves shall not be considered badly misshapen.
Badly misshapen means of such shape as to cause appreciable waste in the ordinary process of preparation for use in addition to that which would occur if the potato were perfect;
More Definitions of Badly misshapen
Badly misshapen. ' means that the pods are badly constricted, crooked, curled, twisted, or otherwise badly malformed.
Badly misshapen means that the kernel is so malformed that the appearance is materially affected.
Badly misshapen means that the shape of the fruit devi- ates from the shape characteristics of the variety or is oth- erwise deformed to the extent that it affects its appearance.
Badly misshapen means that shape of the fruit deviates from the shape characteristics of the variety or is other- wise so malformed or rough that it affects its appearance. Doubles shall be considered badly misshapen.
Badly misshapen means prunes so malformed or rough that they appear to be seriously damaged. Doubles that have approximately equal sized halves are not considered "badly misshapen."
Badly misshapen means that the carrot is forked or misshapen to the extent that, in the process of trimming, a loss of over 15 percent, by weight, of the root is incurred in excess of that which would occur if the root were perfect.
Badly misshapen means that the sweetpotato is so curved, crooked, grooved, constricted, flattened, or otherwise misshapen that, in the ordinary process of trimming, a waste of over 10 percent, by weight, is incurred in excess of that which would occur if the sweetpotato were perfect.