Ballot card definition

Ballot card means any type of card or piece of paper of any
Ballot card means a ballot that can be counted using automatic tabulating equipment.
Ballot card means a tabulating card on which votes may be recorded by a voter by

Examples of Ballot card in a sentence

  • Ballot card is ready for processing; no remake is necessary (unless another write-in choice requires a remake).

  • Voters include condominium unit owners but exclude condo associations; The voting package will include:o Letter from the Inspector of Electionso Ballot card to vote on the projecto Indication of interest survey to gather subscriber datao Voter’s Guideo One secret ballot return-mail envelope for both the ballot and the survey; Verification: voter names, addresses and Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) will be printed on the return envelope.

  • Ballot card formats are specifically approved by the Secretary of State.

  • Remind the voter to insert the Ballot card into the Voting Device unfolded.⚫ When each Voter returns from the voting booth, if the Ballot card is not folded, have the voter fold it before accepting it.

  • Ballot card issuing machine writes specific voting information into Mifare card, so that polling machine can verify that each Mifare card is the ballot card for this election or not.

More Definitions of Ballot card

Ballot card means a tabulating card on which votes may be recorded by a voter by use of a voting punch device or by marking with a pen or special marking device;
Ballot card means the card, tape, or other vehicle on which an elector's votes are recorded in an electronic or electromechanical voting system.
Ballot card means any type of card or piece of paper of any size on which a voter may record his or her choices for any candidate and for or against any measure and that is to be tabulated on a vote tallying system;
Ballot card means a paper card, in the form approved by the Returning Officer, listing the ballots to be voted on in the election;
Ballot card means a tabulating card on which votes may be
Ballot card means a card upon which is printed, or identified by reference to the ballot, the names of candidates for nomination or election to one or more offices or the ballot titles of one or more measures. A ballot may be comprised of multiple ballot cards.
Ballot card means a ballot which is voted by the