Examples of Bank of Sierra Leone in a sentence
These comprise mainly Bank account balances, include amounts held at the Bank of Sierra Leone and at various commercial banks, cash imprests and other short term highly liquid investments held at the end of the financial year.
If you incur any reasonable expenses in connection with the vehicle then these will be reimbursed, but you must check with the parish clerk first and comply fully with our expenses policy.
These comprise mainly Bank account balances; include amounts held at the Bank of Sierra Leone and at various commercial banks, cash imprests and other short term highly liquid investments held at the end of the financial year.
The treasury bonds are held by the Bank of Sierra Leone following a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government dated 14th October 2006 converting Non-Marketable, Non-Interest Bearing Securities to Special Marketable Securities for capitalization of the Bank and for monetary purposes.
The net amount of Cash and Cash Equivalents totalled a negative balance of Le208,681 million (Negative Le137,553 million – FY2015), most of which are held with the Bank of Sierra Leone.
The Special Marketable Securities held by the Bank of Sierra Leone totalling Le526,496 million as at 31st December 2017, comprises: 3-Year Treasury Bonds Le143,813 million, 5-Year Treasury Bonds Le321,072 million and 10-Year Treasury Bond Le48,750 million.
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Speaker, Honourable Members, the Bank of Sierra Leone is the public institution tasked with ensuring the soundness of the banking system, and safeguarding the country's foreign exchange reserves.
The total outstanding amount of long-term securities held as 2-Year, 5-Year and 10-Year Treasury Bonds at the end of FY2017 is Le608,055 million (Le603,389 million – end FY2016) held by the Bank of Sierra Leone (Le526,496 million) and NASSIT (Le81,559 million).
To achieve these objectives, the Bank of Sierra Leone (BSL) will continue to use market-based instruments to steer the inter-bank rate.