Examples of Central Bank in a sentence
In order to allow You to compare charges for currency conversion, You can view the real-time percentage difference between the amount that will be charged on Your Card for a foreign currency transaction (consisting of the mark-up applied by the Scheme as well as any other charges) and the latest available euro foreign exchange reference rates issued by the European Central Bank.
The applicable conversion rate shall be determined by NI, in its sole discretion, using the official EUR/USD exchange rate published by the European Central Bank on: (a) the date that the relevant contract has been concluded by NI; or (b) the date that the European Central Bank makes a public announcement and/or releases an official public statement that the Euro would cease to exist as an official currency of the Euro zone, whichever is the earlier.
USD, SEK, NOK, DKK) will PostNord use the Sweden Central Bank current exchange rate.