Base penalty definition

Base penalty means, with respect to any notice of violation returnable to the environmental control board, the penalty that would be imposed upon a timely admission by the respondent or finding of liability after an adjudication, pursuant to the environmental control board penalty schedule, without regard to reductions of penalty in cases of mitigation or involving stipulations.
Base penalty means that penalty amount calculated for a violation by considering either specific statutory penalty amounts or the gravity of the violation.
Base penalty means that amount assessed for a violation of the Act or the Mining NPDES Rule based solely upon the extent of the permittee’s deviation therefrom and the potential for harm to human health or the environment resulting from the violation.

Examples of Base penalty in a sentence

  • The penalty fee formula is as follows: Base penalty of $200.00 + ($25 penalty x no.

  • Base penalty amounts:Violation1st Occasion2nd Occasion3rd OccasionFailure to timely file an accurate and complete statement of financial affairs (F-1):Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing.

  • The department will assess civil penalties for each separate and distinct violation for each day of a con- tinuing violation of the requirements of ballast water man- agement regulations.(b) Base penalty.

  • Base penalty amounts: Violation1st Occasion2nd Occasion3rd OccasionFailure to timely file an accurate and complete statement of financial affairs (F-1):Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing.

  • Base penalty or Rule Rule Summary Matrix (40 C.F.R. Part 268 Subpart A-General) §268.3(a)Failure of generator, transporter, orMatrix facility to ensure that a restricted waste is not in any way diluted as a substitute for treatment.

  • See footnote 6 to the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements.

  • Base penalty or Rule Rule summary Matrix (40 C.F.R. Part 261 Subpart A-General) §261.5(f)Failure of generator of acutehazardous waste to comply with theMatrix requirements of 40 C.F.R. §261.5(f).

  • The department will assess civil penalties for each separate and distinct violation for each day of a continuing vio­ lation of the requirements of ballast water management regulations.(b) Base penalty.

  • Base penalty = $1,000 to $5,000 if any of the following conditions occurred: • Minor physical injury of individuals.

  • Base penalty = [5,000 pounds * penalty per pound] * [1+ (7 months * 0.083)] Step 5: Calculate the Adjustment (F) Factor and remainder of the penalty using relevant sections of the Section X., Penalty Calculation Worksheet.

More Definitions of Base penalty

Base penalty means that penalty amount calculated for a vio- lation by considering either specific statutory penalty amounts or the gravity of the violation.
Base penalty means, with respect to any notice of violation returnable to the environmental control board or an authorized tribunal of the office of administrative trials and hearings, the penalty that would be imposed upon a timely admission by the respondent or finding of liability after a hearing, pursuant to the environmental control board penalty schedule or such other penalty schedule as may be set by the administrative tribunal of the office of administrative trials and hearings, without regard to reductions of penalty in cases of mitigation or involving stipulations.

Related to Base penalty

  • eligible penalty means a judgment, penalty or fine awarded or imposed in, or an amount paid in settlement of, an eligible proceeding;

  • Administrative penalty means a monetary fine imposed by the division for acts or omissions determined to constitute unprofessional or unlawful conduct, as a result of an adjudicative proceeding conducted in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.

  • Base Period Income is an amount equal to Executive's "annualized includable compensation" for the "base period" as defined in Sections 280G(d)(1) and (2) of the Code and the regulations adopted thereunder. Generally, Executive's "annualized includable compensation" is the average of Executive's annual taxable income from Company for the "base period," which is the five calendar years prior to the year in which the Change of Control occurs. These concepts are complicated and technical and all of the rules set forth in the applicable regulations apply for purposes of this Agreement.

  • Annual Benefit Limit means the maximum amount of benefits paid by the Company to the Policy Holder in a Policy Year irrespective of whether any limits of any benefit items stated in the Benefit Schedule have been reached. The Annual Benefit Limit is counted afresh in a new Policy Year.

  • Multiple Employer Plan means a Plan which has two or more contributing sponsors (including the Borrower or any ERISA Affiliate) at least two of whom are not under common control, as such a plan is described in Section 4064 of ERISA.

  • qualifying age for state pension credit means (in accordance with section 1(2)(b) and (6) of the State Pension Credit Act 2002)—

  • Multi-employer Plan means a "multi-employer plan" as defined in Section 4001(a)(3) of ERISA which is or was at any time during the current year or the immediately preceding six (6) years contributed to by the Borrower or any ERISA Affiliate.

  • Lifetime Benefit Limit means the maximum amount of benefits paid by the Company to the Policy Holder cumulatively since the inception of these Terms and Benefits, irrespective whether any limits of any benefit items stated in the Benefit Schedule have been reached or whether the Annual Benefit Limit in a Policy Year has been reached.

  • Civil penalty means a penalty which is imposed on a credit provider by the operation of this Act and under which the debtor is not liable to pay to the credit provider an amount otherwise payable under a regulated contract.

  • Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Rules means the limitations or requirements of Section 409A of the Code, as amended from time to time, including the guidance and regulations promulgated thereunder and successor provisions, guidance and regulations thereto.

  • Basic health benefit plan means any plan offered to an individual, a small group,

  • Disability allowance means monthly payments during

  • Single Employer Plan any Plan which is covered by Title IV of ERISA, but which is not a Multiemployer Plan.

  • the Code means the Pension Regulator’s Code of Practice No 14 governance and administration of public service pension schemes.

  • Code Section 409A means the provisions of Section 409A of the Code and any rules, regulations and guidance promulgated thereunder, as modified from time to time.

  • Chargeable Event means, in relation to the Awards:

  • Required Aggregation Group means: (i) each qualified plan of the Employer in which at least one Key Employee participates at any time during the Determination Period; and (ii) any other qualified plan of the Employer which enables a plan described in clause (i) to meet the requirements of Code Section 401(a)(4) or of Code Section 410.

  • Base Period means (i) the test period ending December 31, 2010 (or, if the Commission has elected to stagger its biennial reviews of utilities as provided in subdivision 1, the test period ending December 31, 2010, for a Phase I Utility, or December 31, 2011, for a Phase II Utility), or (ii) the most recent test period with respect to which credits have been applied to customers' bills under the provisions of this subdivision, whichever is later.

  • Pension Benefits Act means The Pension Benefits Act of Ontario and regulations thereunder as amended from time to time.