Examples of Batch Discharge in a sentence
Batch Discharge shall mean a discrete or discontinuous short-term discharge to the sewer, often characterized by a discharge of all or most of the contents of a vessel.
Discharging shower water generated from decontamination operations into the sanitary sewer system requires a Batch Discharge Approval from NAVFAC Hawaii (formerly PWC) via Code 106.3. Contact Code 106.3 at 474-9080 for assistance in disposing of wastewater.
Batch Discharge - Any quantity of wastewater or pretreated wastewater discharged periodically to the POTW.
A Slug Discharge is any Discharge of a non-routine, episodic nature, including but not limited to an accidental spill or a non-customary Batch Discharge, which has a reasonable potential to cause Interference or Pass Through, or in any other way violate the City’s regulations, Local Limits or Wastewater Discharge Permit conditions.
Appendix A Source Control Manual Forms A.1. Source Control Dewatering FormA.2. Source Control Batch Discharge ApplicationA.3. Source Control Long-Term Dewatering ApplicationA.4. Source Control Submeter Program ApplicationA.5. Source Control Special Circumstances FormA.6. Notice of Conditions FormA.7. Source Control Operations and Maintenance Form(see attached form) ATTACHMENTS Figure 1-7.