Batch Discharge definition

Batch Discharge means the discharge of wastewater resulting from an intermittent treatment process in which an identified amount of process wastewater is collected, treated to meet discharge standards, and released to the district’s sanitary sewer system.
Batch Discharge means any single discharge that is specifically allowed under a wastewater
Batch Discharge means the controlled discharge of a discrete, contained volume of wastewater.

Examples of Batch Discharge in a sentence

  • Batch Discharge shall mean a discrete or discontinuous short-term discharge to the sewer, often characterized by a discharge of all or most of the contents of a vessel.

  • Discharging shower water generated from decontamination operations into the sanitary sewer system requires a Batch Discharge Approval from NAVFAC Hawaii (formerly PWC) via Code 106.3. Contact Code 106.3 at 474-9080 for assistance in disposing of wastewater.

  • Batch Discharge - Any quantity of wastewater or pretreated wastewater discharged periodically to the POTW.

  • A Slug Discharge is any Discharge of a non-routine, episodic nature, including but not limited to an accidental spill or a non-customary Batch Discharge, which has a reasonable potential to cause Interference or Pass Through, or in any other way violate the City’s regulations, Local Limits or Wastewater Discharge Permit conditions.

  • Appendix A Source Control Manual Forms A.1. Source Control Dewatering FormA.2. Source Control Batch Discharge ApplicationA.3. Source Control Long-Term Dewatering ApplicationA.4. Source Control Submeter Program ApplicationA.5. Source Control Special Circumstances FormA.6. Notice of Conditions FormA.7. Source Control Operations and Maintenance Form(see attached form) ATTACHMENTS Figure 1-7.

More Definitions of Batch Discharge

Batch Discharge means a discrete quantifiable discharge of a quantity of wastewater that is a homogeneous mixture, such that a grab sample taken at any time during discharge shall be representative, that is it has all the same characteristics of any other portion of the batch. The Director shall have approval of the allowable volumetric flow rate. To satisfy the MSD monitoring requirements, the discharge shall be made in accordance with a schedule approved by MSD or with a 48 hour prior notice to the Division of Industrial Waste.
Batch Discharge means any intermittent discharge of pollutants from sources such as, but not limited to, process tanks, holding tanks, rinse tanks, or treatment systems.
Batch Discharge means an authorized, intermittent discharge of pollutants from sources such as, but not limited to: process tanks, holding tanks, rinse tanks, or treatment systems.
Batch Discharge means a controlled, discrete, intermittent, and contained volume of discharge.
Batch Discharge means an extraordinary release or discharge, either accidental or intentional, occurring in one or more discrete discharge episodes where a tank, vessel, reservoir, or other similar container is drained or partially drained at a rapid rate over a short time period. A batch discharge may, or may not, result in a slug load.
Batch Discharge means periodic discharges of waste solids associated with the Bio System treatment residuals.
Batch Discharge means any controlled discharge of a discrete volume of industrial effluent or mixed effluent;