Belgian Gas Act definition
Examples of Belgian Gas Act in a sentence
The Belgian Gas Act and the Luxembourg Gas Act implementing the aforementioned directive enable the transmission system operators of both countries to appoint a jointly held entity as Balancing Operator of an integrated balancing zone.
Furthermore, this mentioned Internal Emergency Plan of the Transmission System Operator is discussed with the Competent Authority (in French “La Direction générale de l’Energie”, in Dutch “Algemene Directie Energie”, as designated by the Member State in article 15/13 §6 of the Belgian Gas Act).
An additional element governing IUK’s finances is a financial control under the Belgian Gas Act.
The Belgian Gas Act has been modified in order to allow Fluxys Belgium to a.o. delegate the responsibility of market-based balancing to another entity i.e. Balansys (new Belgian Gas Act of 8 July 2015, published 16 July 2015).
In the frame of Directive 2009/73/EC "concerning common rules for the internal market in gas, repealing Directive 2003/55/EC", a number of obligations concerning the billing to the end user and the information on energy consumption were incorporated into article 15/5bis of the Belgian Gas Act of April 12, 1965.
Competent Authority: (Security of Supply Regulation) the National Governmental Authority (in French “La Direction générale de l’Energie”, in Dutch “Algemene Directie Energie”) designated by the Member State in article 15/13§6 of the Belgian Gas Act to be responsible for ensuring the implementation of the measures set out in the Security of Supply Regulation.
Gas Act: shall mean the Belgian Gas Act concerning the transportation of gaseous and other substances by pipeline of 12 April 1965 as amended from time to time.
Competent Authority: (Security of Supply Regulation) the National Governmental Authority (in French “La Direction générale de l’Energie”, in Dutch “Algemene Directie Energie”) designated by the Member State in article 15/13 §6 of the Belgian Gas Act to be responsible for ensuring the implementation of the measures set out in the Security of Supply Regulation.
According to the revised Belgian Gas Act, a compliance officer and a compliance program have to be in place before Fluxys Belgium may shift the market-based balancing responsibilities to the common balancing company.