Examples of OHS Act in a sentence
The Parties to this Agreement recognise that nothing in this clause can deprive any Party to this Agreement of their rights or remedies under the Fair Work Act and OHS Act.
The Employer and its Employees will comply with Part 7 of the OHS Act – Representation of Employees in relation to the establishment of designated work groups and the election of Health and Safety Representatives.
The Employer and its Employees will comply with Part 7 of the OHS Act Representation of Employees in relation to the establishment of designated work groups and the election of Health and Safety Representatives.
All incidents referred to in Section 24 of the OHS Act shall be reported by the Mandatory to the Department of Labour and to the Employer.
The Mandatory shall be deemed to be an employer in his own right e Mandatory shall TMP-LEG-00006-01 accordingly ensure that the requirements of the OHS Act are complied with by himself and/or his nominated Chief Executive Officer.