Berry Intercompany Settled Claims definition

Berry Intercompany Settled Claims means those certain Intercompany Claims held by the LINN Debtors against the Berry Debtors that shall be settled pursuant to the Berry-LINN Intercompany Settlement and the Plan.

Examples of Berry Intercompany Settled Claims in a sentence

  • The LINN Intercompany Settled Claims and the Berry Intercompany Settled Claims shall be resolved pursuant to the terms of the Berry-LINN Intercompany Settlement Term Sheet.

Related to Berry Intercompany Settled Claims

  • Intercompany Claims means, collectively, any Claim held by a Debtor against another Debtor or an Affiliate of a Debtor or any Claim held by an Affiliate of a Debtor against a Debtor.

  • Intercompany Claim means any Claim held by a Debtor against another Debtor.

  • Deferred Intercompany Transaction has the meaning set forth in Treas. Reg. Section 1.1502-13.

  • Intercompany Interests means an Interest in a Debtor held by another Debtor and, for the avoidance of doubt, excludes the Existing Equity Interests.

  • Intercompany Interest means an Interest in a Debtor held by another Debtor.

  • Settled Claims means any and all claims, debts, demands, rights or causes of action or liabilities whatsoever (including, but not limited to, any claims for damages, interest, attorneys’ fees, expert or consulting fees, and any other costs, expenses or liability whatsoever), whether based on federal, state, local, statutory or common law, or any other law, rule or regulation, whether foreign or domestic, fixed or contingent, accrued or unaccrued, liquidated or unliquidated, at law or in equity, matured or unmatured, foreseen or unforeseen, whether class or individual in nature, including both known claims and Unknown Claims (as defined below), (i) that have been asserted in this Action by the Class Members or any of them against any of the Released Parties (whether pleaded in the Complaint or not), or (ii) that could have been asserted from the beginning of time to the end of time in any forum by the Class Members or any of them against any of the Released Parties, which arise out of, relate in any way to, or are based upon the allegations, transactions, facts, matters or occurrences, representations or omissions involved in, set forth in, or referred to, or that could have been asserted in the Complaint and relate to the purchase, sale, transfer or acquisition of securities of during the Class Period, or any actions, representations or omissions that were alleged or might have been alleged to affect the price of publicly traded securities of during the Class Period. Notwithstanding the prior sentence, “Settled Claims” does not include any claims Class Members may have against Deloitte in its capacity as the

  • Released Class Claims means the claims being released as described in Paragraph 6.2 below.

  • Intercompany Loans shall have the meaning provided in Section 10.05(h).

  • Subordinated Intercompany Debt shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 6.01(e).

  • Permitted Intercompany Investments means Investments made by (a) a Loan Party to or in another Loan Party, (b) a Subsidiary that is not a Loan Party to or in another Subsidiary that is not a Loan Party, (c) a Subsidiary that is not a Loan Party to or in a Loan Party, so long as, in the case of a loan or advance, the parties thereto are party to the Intercompany Subordination Agreement, and (d) a Loan Party to or in a Subsidiary that is not a Loan Party so long as (i) the aggregate amount of all such Investments made by the Loan Parties to or in Subsidiaries that are not Loan Parties does not exceed $1,000,000 at any time outstanding, (ii) no Default or Event of Default has occurred and is continuing either before or after giving effect to such Investment, and (iii) the Borrowers have Excess Availability plus Qualified Cash of not less than $10,000,000 after giving effect to such Investment.

  • Excluded Claims means (a) a party’s breach of its obligations in Section 5 (Confidential Information) (but excluding obligations and/or claims relating to Customer Data); (b) either party’s express obligations under Section 11 (Indemnification); and (c) liability which, by law, cannot be limited.

  • Intercompany Loan shall have the meaning provided in Section 8.05(g).

  • Structured settlement payment rights means rights to receive periodic payments under a structured settlement, whether from the structured settlement obligor or the annuity issuer, where:

  • Preferred claim means a claim with respect to which the terms of this chapter accord priority of payment from the general assets of the insurer.

  • Subsidiary Interests means, collectively, the issued and outstanding shares of stock of the Subsidiary Debtors as of the Petition Date and any options, warrants or other contractual rights to acquire any shares of stock of the Subsidiary Debtors as of the Petition Date.

  • Allowed Secured Claim means an Allowed Claim secured by a lien, security interest or other charge against property in which the Estate has an interest, or which is subject to setoff under Section 553 of the Bankruptcy Code, to the extent of the value, determined in accordance with Section 506(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, of the interest of the holder of such Allowed Secured Claim in the Estate's interest in such property, or to the extent of the amount subject to any setoff, as the case may be.

  • Restructuring Claim means any right or claim of any Person against the Participating CCAA Parties (or any one of them) in connection with any indebtedness, liability or obligation of any kind whatsoever owed by the Participating CCAA Parties (or any one of them) to such Person, arising out of the restructuring, disclaimer, resiliation, termination or breach or suspension, on or after the applicable Filing Date, of any contract, employment agreement, lease or other agreement or arrangement, whether written or oral, and whether such restructuring, disclaimer, resiliation, termination or breach took place or takes place before or after the date of the Amended Claims Procedure Order, and, for greater certainty, includes any right or claim of an Employee of any of the Participating CCAA Parties arising from a termination of its employment after the applicable Filing Date, provided, however, that “Restructuring Claim” shall not include an Excluded Claim;

  • DIP Claims means, collectively, the DIP ABL Claims and the DIP Term Loan Claims.

  • Tax Claims means any Claim against the Participating CCAA Parties (or any one of them) for any Taxes in respect of any taxation year or period ending on or prior to the applicable Filing Date, and in any case where a taxation year or period commences on or prior to the applicable Filing Date, for any Taxes in respect of or attributable to the portion of the taxation period commencing prior to the applicable Filing Date and up to and including the applicable Filing Date. For greater certainty, a Tax Claim shall include, without limitation, (a) any and all Claims of any Taxing Authority in respect of transfer pricing adjustments and any Canadian or non- resident Tax related thereto, and (b) any Claims against any BL/Wabush Released Party in respect of such Taxes;

  • Settled claim means the original tort claim resolved by a structured settlement.

  • Intercompany Obligations as defined in the Guarantee and Collateral Agreement.

  • Intercompany Debt has the meaning specified in Section 7.02.

  • Intercompany Indebtedness means Indebtedness of Company or any of their respective Subsidiaries which is owing to any member of such group.

  • Excluded Equity Interests means (a) any Equity Interests with respect to which, in the reasonable judgment of the Administrative Agent and the Borrower, the cost or other consequences of pledging such Equity Interests in favor of the Secured Parties under the Security Documents shall be excessive in view of the benefits to be obtained by the Secured Parties therefrom, (b) solely in the case of any pledge of Equity Interests of any Foreign Subsidiary or FSHCO (in each case, that is owned directly by the Borrower or a Guarantor) to secure the Obligations, any Equity Interest that is Voting Stock of such Foreign Subsidiary or FSHCO in excess of 65% of the Voting Stock of such Subsidiary, (c) any Equity Interests to the extent the pledge thereof would be prohibited by any Requirement of Law, (d) in the case of (i) any Equity Interests of any Subsidiary to the extent the pledge of such Equity Interests is prohibited by Contractual Requirements existing on the Closing Date or at the time such Subsidiary is acquired (provided that such Contractual Requirements have not been entered into in contemplation of such Subsidiary being acquired), or (ii) any Equity Interests of any Subsidiary that is not a Wholly owned Subsidiary at the time such Subsidiary becomes a Subsidiary, any Equity Interests of each such Subsidiary described in clause (i) or (ii) to the extent (A) that a pledge thereof to secure the Obligations is prohibited by any applicable Contractual Requirement (other than customary non-assignment provisions which are ineffective under the Uniform Commercial Code or other applicable Requirements of Law), (B) any Contractual Requirement prohibits such a pledge without the consent of any other party; provided that this clause (B) shall not apply if (1) such other party is a Credit Party or a Wholly owned Subsidiary or (2) consent has been obtained to consummate such pledge (it being understood that the foregoing shall not be deemed to obligate the Borrower or any Subsidiary to obtain any such consent)) and only for so long as such Contractual Requirement or replacement or renewal thereof is in effect, or (C) a pledge thereof to secure the Obligations would give any other party (other than a Credit Party or a Wholly owned Subsidiary) to any Contractual Requirement governing such Equity Interests the right to terminate its obligations thereunder (other than customary non-assignment provisions that are ineffective under the Uniform Commercial Code or other applicable Requirement of Law), (e) the Equity Interests of any Immaterial Subsidiary (unless a security interest in the Equity Interests of such Subsidiary may be perfected by filing an “all assets” UCC financing statement) and any Unrestricted Subsidiary, (f) the Equity Interests of any Subsidiary of a Foreign Subsidiary or FSHCO, (g) any Equity Interests of any Subsidiary to the extent that the pledge of such Equity Interests would result in material adverse tax consequences to the Borrower or any Subsidiary as reasonably determined by the Borrower, (h) any Equity Interests set forth on Schedule 1.1(b) which have been identified on or prior to the Closing Date in writing to the Administrative Agent by an Authorized Officer of the Borrower and agreed to by the Administrative Agent and (i) Margin Stock.

  • Incurred claims means total claims paid during the experience period, adjusted for the change in claim reserve. (7-1-93)

  • Secured Claims means Claims held by “secured creditors” as defined in the CCAA, including Construction Lien Claims, to the extent of the Allocated Value of the Property securing such Claim, with the balance of the Claim being a Deficiency Claim, and amounts subject to section 6(6) of the CCAA;