Examples of Bilateral Investment Treaty in a sentence
Subject to paragraph 2, the Parties hereby agree that the Bilateral Investment Treaty, as well as all the rights and obligations derived from the said Treaty, will cease to have effect on the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
Any and all investments made pursuant to the Bilateral Investment Treaty before the entry into force of this Agreement will be governed by the rules of the said Treaty regarding any matter arising while the Treaty was in force.
An investor may only submit an arbitration claim pursuant to the Bilateral Investment Treaty, regarding any matter arising while the said Treaty was in force, in accordance with the rules and procedures established in it, and provided that no more than three years have elapsed since the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
The claim was filed under the Netherlands-Turkey Bilateral Investment Treaty (the “Treaty”).
The United States-Bahrain Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT), which took effect in May 2001, covers investment issues between the two countries.
On March 21, 2013, the Company filed a Statement of Claim in its arbitration against Venezuela before the World Bank’s ICSID, in accordance with the provisions of the Canada-Venezuela Bilateral Investment Treaty.
As well as continuing the constitutional challenge of the expropriation, Fortis is also pursuing alternative options for obtaining fair compensation, including compensation under the Belize/United Kingdom Bilateral Investment Treaty.
A settlement procedure may only be initiated within six months from the termination, pursuant to Article 2 or 3 of this Agreement, of the Bilateral Investment Treaty on the basis of which the Pending Arbitration Proceedings were initiated, by making a request pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article.
The U.S.-Bahrain Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) protects U.S. investments by banning all expropriations (including "creeping" and "measures tantamount to") except those for a public purpose.
The United States-Bahrain Bilateral Investment Treaty, which took effect in May 2001, covers investment issues between the two countries.