Blended Courses definition

Blended Courses means Courses involving face-to-face delivery by Amac Tutors and delivery via the Web.

Examples of Blended Courses in a sentence

  • Distance Education, Internet and Hybrid (Blended) Courses - Credit hour policy is consistent with the standards of courses offered through face to face instruction, although some or all of content and faculty-student interaction occurs through one or more forms of distance education.

  • AP/Concurrent or IB/Concurrent Blended Courses (College/University Participation Optional) - Advanced Placement (AP) courses are high school courses in which students are required to take the AP Exam and make the requisite score in order to receive college credit from an Arkansas institution of higher education.

  • Requirements for Enrollment to Online & Blended Courses or Program Learners to be enrolled for Online, Blended & face to face Courses or Program shall be acquainted with the requisite information or literacy skills.

  • Table 3: Message coding results ID PhaseMessages(%)0 Other1408.01%1 Triggering Event30817.63%2 Exploration68439.17%3 Integration50829.08%4 Resolution1076.12%All Phases1,747100% 4.2 Blended Courses Dataset 4.2.1 Courses organization In order to examine the effects of diverse course organizations on the use of different time-on-task estimation strategies, we used a large dataset from a Spring 2012 offering of nine first-year courses at a large Australian public university.

  • Focus group and interview data related to hurricane effects and associated impacts on farms, forests, and rural communities are presented first, grouped by the biophysical, economic, and social aspects affected by the storms.

  • Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under delegated authority, approved the definition for Blended Courses.

  • Recommended: That the Blended Courses section of the “Course Numbering Policy, Essay Courses, and Hours of Instruction” policy be revised effective September 1, 2017 as shown below to clarify the definition of a blended course.

  • Over our sample period from 1990 up to 2001 we see a steady increasing amount of insider trading.

  • The LearnWeb Formative Assessment Exten- sion: Supporting Awareness and Reflection in Blended Courses.

  • Timetable for Implementation It is anticipated that the proposed rule will be presented for adoption at the May Regents meeting, with an effective date of June 8, 2011.AMENDMENT TO THE REGULATIONS OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION Pursuant to sections 101, 207, 208, 209, 305, 308, 309 and 3204 of the Education Law.Paragraph (10) of subdivision (d) of section 100.5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is added, effective June 8, 2011, as follows:(10) Credit for Online and Blended Courses.

Related to Blended Courses

  • Approved course means a course that has been approved by the department for the training of lead professionals.

  • Specified Courts is defined in Section 6.9.

  • Selected Courts has the meaning set forth in Section 4.07.

  • Water course means a natural channel or an artificial channel formed by training or diversion of a natural channel meant for carrying storm and waste water.

  • Core Course means a course that a student admitted to a particular programme must successfully complete to receive the degree and which cannot be substituted by any other course

  • fishing related activities means any operation in support of, or in preparation for, fishing, including the landing, packaging, processing, transshipping or transporting of fish that have not been previously landed at a port, as well as the provisioning of personnel, fuel, gear and other supplies at sea;

  • third party proceeding means any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, other than an action by or in the right of the corporation.

  • Radioactive substance means a substance that emits ionizing

  • CCAA Proceedings means the proceedings commenced by the Applicant under the CCAA as contemplated by the Initial Order;

  • Juvenile court means the district court of this state.

  • Settled Defendants means, in respect of each Proceeding, any Defendant (excluding the Settling Defendants) that executes its own settlement agreement with the Plaintiffs in that Proceeding and whose settlement agreement becomes effective in accordance with its terms, whether or not such settlement agreement is in existence at the Date of Execution.

  • Excluded Environmental Liabilities means any and all Environmental Liabilities whether arising before, at or after the Effective Time, to the extent relating to, resulting from, or arising out of the past, present or future operation, conduct or actions of Xxxxxxx Retained Business.

  • Related Consumer Action means a private action by or on behalf of one or more consumers or an enforcement action by another governmental agency brought against Respondent based on substantially the same facts as described in Section IV of this Consent Order.

  • Legal Action means and includes any claim, counterclaim, demand, action, suit, counterclaim, arbitration, inquiry, proceeding or investigation before any

  • Polychlorinated biphenyls means aromatic compounds formed in such a manner that the hydrogen atoms on the biphenyl molecule (two benzene rings bonded together by a single carbon-carbon bond) may be replaced by up to ten chlorine atoms; and

  • Open burning means the combustion of any material without the following characteristics:

  • Good Faith Contest means the contest of an item if: (1) the item is diligently contested in good faith, and, if appropriate, by proceedings timely instituted; (2) adequate reserves are established with respect to the contested item; (3) during the period of such contest, the enforcement of any contested item is effectively stayed; and (4) the failure to pay or comply with the contested item during the period of the contest is not likely to result in a Material Adverse Change.

  • criminal proceedings means criminal proceedings in relation to which the strict rules of evidence apply;

  • Ordinary Course Professional Order means the Order Authorizing the Retention and Compensation of Certain Professionals Utilized in the Ordinary Course of Business [D.I. 765].

  • Excluded Waste means waste material of the nature that the Project is not designed or authorised to receive, manage, process and dispose which includes (i) Hazardous Waste, (ii) Bio-Medical Waste (iii) Dead Remains, (iv) E- Waste and (v) construction and demolition waste;

  • Online course means a course or grade-level subject instruction that (i) is delivered by a multidivision online provider primarily electronically using the Internet or other computer-based methods and (ii) is taught by a teacher primarily from a remote location, with student access to the teacher given synchronously, asynchronously, or both.

  • Union territory means the territory of—

  • Senior Higher Priority Liabilities means any obligations in respect of principal of the Issuer under any Notes and any other unsecured and unsubordinated obligations (créditos ordinarios) of the Issuer, other than the Senior Non Preferred Liabilities; and

  • Unladen mass means the mass of the vehicle in running order, unoccupied and unladen but complete with fuel, coolant, lubricant, tools and a spare wheel (if provided as standard equipment by the vehicle manufacturer);

  • Criminal proceeding means a proceeding instituted by means of the swearing of an information, the laying of a charge or the return of an indictment, before a Court of competent jurisdiction in Canada with jurisdiction to hear and determine the charges referred to therein, alleging or charging that the "Insured" has contravened the provisions of any Provincial or Federal statute, including the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985 ch. C-46 as amended, which creates an offence or crime and which provides for conviction thereunder, whether by way of summary conviction or indictment, and as a result of which the "Insured" is liable to be convicted, fined or sentenced to some form of imprisonment or other punishment.

  • Chemical Storage Facility means a building, portion of a building, or exterior area adjacent to a building used for the storage of any chemical or chemically reactive products.