Blood lead level definition

Blood lead level means the concentration of lead in whole blood expressed in micromoles per litre (µmol/L) or micrograms per decilitre (µg/dL);
Blood lead level means a blood lead measurement obtained by a diagnostic blood lead test conducted by a laboratory certified pursuant to 42 CFR Part 493 Medicare, Medicaid and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Program and, if applicable, licensed pursuant to He-P 808.
Blood lead level means the laboratory analysis result of lead concentration in whole blood reported as micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL). According to CDC, no safe blood lead level in children has been identified.

Examples of Blood lead level in a sentence

  • All other CPT codes billed by an ARNP/PA provider will continue to be paid at 75% of the maximum reimbursement amount (RHC & FQHC providers continue to receive their usual and customary encounter reimbursement rate.)• Blood lead level collection may not be referred to another provider.

  • Blood lead level sampling and analysis provided pursu- ant to this section shall have an accu- racy (to a confidence level of 95 per- cent) within plus or minus 15 percent or 6 µg/dl, whichever is greater, and shall be conducted by a laboratory ap- proved by OSHA.(iv) Employee notification.

  • Blood lead level sampling and analysis provided pursuant to this section shall have an accuracy (to a confidence level of 95 percent) within plus or minus 15 percent or 6 µg/100ml, whichever is greater, and shall be conducted by a laboratory licensed by the Center for Disease Control, United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare (CDC) or which has received a satisfactory grade in blood lead proficiency testing from CDC in the prior twelve months.

  • Blood lead level testing results for the 12-month period just after the City of Flint changed its water source (May 2014 – April 2015) showed no significant change in the pattern of blood lead levels in Flint, compared to the previous three years.

  • Blood lead level sampling and analysis provided pursu- ant to this section shall have an accu- racy (to a confidence level of 95 per- cent) within plus or minus 15 percent or 6 µg/dl, whichever is greater, and Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62 shall be conducted by a laboratory ap- proved by OSHA.(iv) Employee notification.

  • We are responsible to you to the precise extent that the carrier you selected is responsible to us.

  • Blood lead level is associated with elevated blood pressure in blacks.

  • Blood lead level testing data from 2014-2017 showed between 16 and 20 percent of children tested in St. Joseph zip code 64501 had blood lead levels at or above 5 ug/dl.

  • The health and safety indicators in the Group’s Sustainable Development Reporting are set out below: • Blood lead level The blood lead level is a health indicator based on information provided by occupational health staff regarding Operational Employees exposed to lead emissions.

  • For children under the age of 16▪ Head circumference: centimeters (pre‐school age only)▪ Blood lead level: µg/dL▪ Test Date (Blood Lead level): Mandatory for reimbursement.For all ages record: HeightPulse Urinalysis: Specific gravity pH UTC = Unable to Collect: when selecting UTC you must provide explanation in the Physical Exam Notes.

More Definitions of Blood lead level

Blood lead level means a measurement of lead con- tent in whole blood.
Blood lead level means the concentration of lead in the whole blood expressed in micromoles per litre (mol/L);

Related to Blood lead level

  • Mid-level practitioner means a certified nurse-midwife engaging in the independent practice of midwifery under the independent practice of midwifery act, an advanced practice registered nurse issued a license pursuant to K.S.A. 65-1131, and amendments thereto, who has authority to prescribe drugs pursuant to a written protocol with a responsible physician under K.S.A. 65-1130, and amendments thereto, or a physician assistant licensed under the physician assistant licensure act who has authority to prescribe drugs pursuant to a written agreement with a supervising physician under K.S.A. 65-28a08, and amendments thereto.

  • Sound level meter means an instrument which includes a microphone, amplifier, RMS detector, integrator or time averager, output meter, and weighting networks used to measure sound pressure levels.

  • Sound level means the A-weighted Sound Pressure Level;

  • Applicable Measurement Period means the most recently completed four consecutive fiscal quarters of the Issuer immediately preceding the Applicable Calculation Date for which internal financial statements are available.