Examples of Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating (BMCR in a sentence
The steam generators are coal fired with Heavy Fuel Oil firing (HFO) provision upto 30% Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating (BMCR) for low load operation & flame stabilization and Light Diesel Oil (LDO) firing provision to a maximum of 10% BMCR as secondary fuel and start-up fuel respectively.
There would be Light Diesel Oil (LDO) firing atleast in one burner elevation having a minimum capacity of 7.5% Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating (BMCR) to facilitate a cold start-up of the unit when no auxiliary steam is available for HFO heating and atomization.
Light diesel oil (LDO) will be used for the cold start of boiler load up to 7.5 % Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating (BMCR) and for auxiliary steam boiler.
Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating (BMCR) is the maximum rating specified for the boiler.
The minimum capacity of ash disposal pumps shall not be less than 10% over and above the ash slurry flow corresponding to 100% Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating (BMCR) ash generation.
The third goal of the SPCC plan is to prepare for responding to an oil spill.
The following measures will be adopted:➢ ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR of 99.9% efficiency will be attached to Boiler to maintain the emission concentration less than 50 mg/ Nm3 at Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating (BMCR) Condition.➢ Second flue of existing stack of 275 m height will be provided for adequate dispersion of Sulphur Dioxide.➢ Currently there is no requirement for installing any Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) equipment.