Examples of Bridged Tap in a sentence
Cable or other plant identified as Bridged Tap in Qwest Loop make up records is not Stub Cable for purposes of this Amendment, unless Qwest promptly provides CLEC with mutually agreeable verifying documentation that demonstrates that the device is Stub Cable as described in this Section and is not Bridged Tap (i.e., the Loop make up records are inaccurate).
The email will contain the following Loop makeup information: composition of the Loop material; location and type of pair gain devices, terminals, Bridged Tap, and load coils; Loop length, and wire gauge.
DEFINITIONS 1.1. Bridged Tap Removal is the physical act of "cutting off" part of the metallic facility along the cable route to remove cable not in the direct electrical path.
The email will contain the following Loop makeup information: composition of the Loop material; location and type of pair gain devices, the existence of any terminals, such as Remote Terminals or digital loop terminals, Bridged Tap, and load coils; Loop length, and wire gauge.
NRMRJ 14 CA LOOP MODIFICATION Removal of All Bridged Tap DSL Loops 12Kft.
The Fine Increment Bridged Tap card is installed in unit 2, slot 22.
In those instances where AT&T MICHIGAN removes All or Non-Excessive Bridged Tap upon receipt of an RABT trouble ticket from Climax under the provisions set forth herein, Climax shall pay the applicable RABT conditioning charges set forth in Appendix Pricing for such conditioning work.
Removal of Non-Excessive Bridged Tap: Subject to Section 1.4.3 below, the following rates shall apply on a per occurrence basis when CARRIER requests to remove “non-excessive” bridged tap.
If and when All Bridged Tap has been removed, any future trouble tickets concerning bridged tap will require a vendor meet with the AT&T MICHIGAN LOC.
AT&T MICHIGAN In either case, when Excessive Bridged Tap is present on the loop, Climax may request the removal of All Bridged Tap; and when Excessive Bridged Tap is not present on the loop, the removal of Non-Excessive Bridged Tap.