Brush Fire definition
Examples of Brush Fire in a sentence
Wildland Fire Apparatus (Brush Fire) FS19JJB01 Xxxxx, Ford F550 4 door, staineless steel body, 1000 gpm midship pump, 300 gallons of water $223,828.00 C.
To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $18,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to the Fire/EMS Capital Budget to fund the purchase of a new Brush Fire & Rescue UTV and Trailer to be used for brush fires and rescue of individuals by the Fire/EMS and Police Departments; or take any other action relative thereto.SUMMARY: Approval of Funding for this Article will purchase a UTV and Trailer for rescue operations into wooded and secluded areas of Town.
Please remember that Open Burn- ing Brush Fire Permits can be ob- tained in the Land Use/Permitting Office in Town Hall Monday – Friday during Town Hall hours.
The District has four fire stations housing four Type I Structure Fire Engines, a Type II OES Engine Company, a Type III Brush Fire Engine, a medium rescue company, one water tender and two paramedic ambulances.
The Brush Fire Monday evening on Town Farm Road showed no visible cause.
Vehicle V00018 (00-1) 2000 KME 65’-Telesquirt.2. Vehicle V00019 (00-2) 2000 IHC/Master Body Type 3 (Brush) Fire Engine.3. Vehicle V00030 2006 Ford Expedition.
Brush Fire Response 24 hour overtimes received while on a brush fire or other emergency will place the employee at the bottom of the pick list.
Invitation for Bids (IFB) went out and bids starting to be received.• Planning for a Post Incident Analysis for the Mana Rd Brush Fire.
Because there are other developments that are close to the Brush Fire Hazard Zones, with the incorporation of the mitigation measures listed below, impacts related to fire protection and emergency services would be reduced to less than significant levels.
Report: Metals Fire, Moisture Create Explosion, ATI Millersburg Brush Fire, Corvallis Gazette- Times (Sep.