bulk cargo means any quantity of alumina or the usual bulk materials used in an alumina industry and being bauxite or alumina for shipment or materials consigned for use by the Company or by any subsidiary Company or by any associated Company in connection with its operations in that industry;
Bulk plant means a motor fuel storage and distribution facility that is not a terminal and from
Bulk Consumer means a consumer such as the Departments of Central Government like Railways, Defense, Telecom, Posts and Telegraph, the Department of State Government, the Undertakings, Boards and other agencies or companies who purchase hundred or more than hundred batteries per annum.
Barge means a vessel that is not self-propelled.
Bulk mixing plant means machinery, appliances or other similar devices that are assembled in such a manner so as to be able to mix materials in bulk for the purposes of using the mixed product for construction work;
Ethanol means a high octane gasoline blend stock that is used to make various grades of gasoline.
Bulk commodities means the following commodities, when shipped in rail tank cars, tanker trucks, trailers, other bulk wheeled conveyances, or pipelines:
CBM means Capacity Benefit Margin.
Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.
Biodiesel means a fuel composed of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, and, in accordance with standards specified by the American society for testing and materials, designated B100, and meeting the requirements of D-6751, as approved by the department.
Bulk gasoline plant means a gasoline storage and distribution facility with an average daily throughput of 20,000 gallons (76,000 liters) of gasoline or less on a 30-day rolling average.
LNG means liquefied natural gas.
Harvest batch means a specifically identified quantity of dried flower or trim, leaves, and other cannabis plant matter that is uniform in strain, harvested at the same time, and, if applicable, cultivated using the same pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, and harvested at the same time.
Harvest means the act of removing a marine species with the intention of not returning it to the water.
Waterbody means any accumulation of water, surface or underground, natural or artificial, including rivers, streams, creeks, ditches, swales, lakes, ponds, marshes, wetlands, and ground water. The term does not include any storage or treatment structures.
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.
Transport Gas means the gas purchased by a Customer from a supplier other than KUB that Customer has arranged to have Delivered to KUB for delivery to the Customer by KUB.
Double check valve assembly means an assembly composed of two single, independently acting, check valves including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve.
FOB means Free on Board
Coal means any solid fuel classified as anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, or lignite.
Clean coal facility means an electric generating
Transportation network company means a corporation,
Transit village means a community with a bus, train, light rail,
Distribution center means a building or structure used primarily for the storage of goods which are intended for subsequent shipment to retail outlets. Distribution center does not mean a building or structure used primarily to store raw agricultural products, used primarily by a manufacturer to store goods to be used in the manufacturing process, used primarily for the storage of petroleum products, or used for the retail sale of goods.
Bulk gasoline terminal means a gasoline storage facility which receives gasoline from its supply source primarily by pipeline, ship, or barge, and delivers gasoline to bulk gasoline plants or to commercial or retail accounts primarily by tank truck; and has an average daily throughput of more than 76,000 liters (20,000 gallons) of gasoline.
Biodiesel blend means a fuel comprised of a blend of biodiesel fuel with petroleum-based diesel fuel, suitable for use as a fuel in a compression-ignition internal combustion diesel engine.