LNG definition
Examples of LNG in a sentence
Such costs shall be apportioned pro rata between all Users of the Terminal at the time such costs are accrued and shall be invoiced by Terminal Operator to Spot Cargo User in accordance with clause 12, except for cases of a Failed LNG Cargo, where the costs will be recovered by the Defaulting User, as described in the IUA.
Locational Point: In a Call for Tenders, the Locational Point is a Network Interconnection Point, a Transmission Storage Interface Point, a Transmission LNG Terminal Interface point or a Consumer Delivery Point depending on the case (please refer to the definition given in the GRTgaz’ Transmission Contract) at which the Locational Quantity is to be delivered or from which it is to be taken off.
For the avoidance of doubt, any Regasified LNG under a CEA shall be included in the Terminal User’s Account of the Original User.
Subject to clause 10.6 of the Terminal Access Code and clause 14.2 of this Agreement, Terminal Operator shall be liable for any damage of any nature caused to any third party (who is not a User) by the LNG while such LNG is in Terminal Operator’s custody and Terminal Operator shall indemnify and hold Spot Cargo User harmless against any such liability.