Call Accounts definition
Examples of Call Accounts in a sentence
This includes Call Accounts, Money Market Funds and Instant Access Accounts that are held to meet short-term cash flow requirements.
These will be balances held in Call Accounts and Money Market Funds with associated accrued interest.
The interest rate applicable to the Account is 3% p.a.Daily interest calculation for 1 May:$100,000 x 3% / 365 = $8.22We calculate this interest:• from and including the day that funds are deposited to your Account;• on the daily balance in your AccountWe pay interest monthly on all Call Accounts and either at the end of term, or as arranged on commencement, on our Term Deposits.
Interest at a rate determined by Citibank in accordance with prevailing market returns in respect of Call Accounts shall be payable on the daily balance in the Customer’s Call Account.
All Call Accounts are subject to Citibank’s prevailing minimum balance limits.
There are certain types of accounts and facilities, however, where direct dealing is required, as follows; • Business Reserve Accounts: • Call Accounts: • Money Market Funds.
The Senior Accountant shall seek to optimise the balance held in the Council’s main bank accounts at the close of each working day in order tominimise the amount of bank overdraft interest payable or maximise the amount of interest that can be earned by investing surplus funds.Short term investmentsThe Council uses various Current and Call Accounts and Money Market Funds to manage its liquidity requirements.
The Senior Accountant shall seek to optimise the balance held in the Council’s main bank accounts at the close of each working day in order to minimise the amount of bank overdraft interest payable or maximise the amount of interest that can be earned by investing surplus funds.Short term investmentsThe Council uses various Current and Call Accounts and Money Market Funds to manage its liquidity requirements.
Fast Payments can be made from any Transactional and At Call Accounts registered for Internet Banking.Fast Payments are processed through one of two possible paths.
Unfortunately, fitting hierarchical mixed models often involves ex- pensive matrix decompositions whose computational cost is O((d n)3), thus rendering such models not scalable for large spatial datasets.