Calling Line Identification definition
Examples of Calling Line Identification in a sentence
The Calling Line Identification (CLI) Distribution feature works in conjunction with the DIL/DID/DDI/MSN features.
Calling Line Identification (CLI): The CLI is the number of the calling user conveyed by each Operator's network for each call, it may also be provided by the network or partly by the calling user.
Both Calling Line Identification and Caller Name follow the syntax specification using the augmented Backus-Naur Form (BNF) as described in [RFC2234].
Unbilled gas supplies to large-volume (VO) and to medium- volume consumers (SO) are also reported in the accounting estimates.
C.6.1 The Access Seeker undertakes to provide the Nature of Address in respect of all of its Calls, and the Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) for all its Calls where this is technically feasible.