Examples of Capital Protection in a sentence
The investment made by the Capital Protection Segment must at least satisfy the capital protection clauses in the Offering Document.
If the Capital Protection Segment is in a minimum AA rated banking institution term deposit, then a letter can be obtained from the said institution prior to disbursement stating the rate of return, tenor and other applicable conditions.
Moreover, Independent Contractor agrees to include the following disclaimer in all communiques with clients: Legal Notice: Nothmg contamed in the foregoing commumcation constitutes legal advice or legal opmion and if apphcable is governed by the Capital Protection Group, LLC Terms of t/se http: //cpgchent.corn/terms.
Benchmark The Net Asset Value per unit of this CPS Portfolio may not fall below the Floor Value (defined above),:- Capital Protection/ Preservation at Maturity, which is: Benchmark Day one 6 month KIBOR One year from the date of investment 6 month KIBOR + 1% Two years from the date of investment 6 month KIBOR + 2% years from the date of investment 6 month KIBOR + % The maturity date for subsequent investments shall be same as of initial investment (mandate).
The Capital Protection will be ensured by placing a portion of the Net Assets of the Fund in a Term Deposit, with double A (AA minimum rating at the time of placement) rated Bank or Government Securities, such that Term Deposit or Government Securities grows equivalent to the “Initial Net Assets of the Fund” upon maturity.