Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights definition

Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights shall have the meaning specified in the Pricing Letter.
Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights means the value of RMS’s and its consolidated Subsidiaries’ (as set forth on its balance sheet) owned mortgage servicing rights, which represent RMS’s estimation of the present value of the fee income earned from continued servicing of the related mortgage loans.
Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights means the fair value of mortgage servicing rights capitalized in accordance with GAAP as assets on a balance sheet, which is estimated using a level 3 model-based fair value approach based upon projections of expected future cash flows from retained or acquired mortgage servicing rights, considering prepayment estimates, portfolio characteristics, prevailing interest rates and volatility and other economic factors.

Examples of Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights in a sentence

  • Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights ("MSRs")(1) Represents changes due to collection/realization of expected cash flows and curtailments.

  • Attached hereto as Schedule 5 is the third-party valuation report of Seller’s Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights.

  • Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights Mortgage servicing rights are accounted for under the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 125, "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities" (SFAS 125), which became effective January 1, 1997.

  • Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights ("MSRs") are included in intangible assets in the Consolidated Statement of Condition and are amortized based on a method which approximates the proportion of current net servicing revenues to the total estimated net servicing revenues expected to be recognized over the average estimated remaining lives of the underlying loans.

  • Also see Note 6 - Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights for information summarizing the changes in mortgage servicing rights.

  • Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights (Continued) The remaining future amortization of capitalized MSR balances recorded as of March 31, 2016 is shown in the table below.

  • At December 31, 1999, the Company determined the fair value of the home equity and manufactured housing product Interest-only and residual certificates and the Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights based on an amended agreement with an independent third party.

  • Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights The fair value of mortgage servicing rights is based on the expected present value of future mortgage servicing income, net of estimated servicing costs, considering market consensus loan prepayment predictions.

Related to Capitalized Mortgage Servicing Rights

  • Mortgage Servicing Rights The rights and responsibilities of Seller with respect to servicing the Mortgage Loans under the Servicing Agreements, including any and all of the following if and to the extent provided therein: (a) all rights to service a Mortgage Loan; (b) all rights to receive servicing fees, Ancillary Income, reimbursements or indemnification for servicing the Mortgage Loan, and any payments received in respect of the foregoing and proceeds thereof; (c) the right to collect, hold and disburse escrow payments or other payments with respect to the Mortgage Loan and any amounts actually collected with respect thereto and to receive interest income on such amounts to the extent permitted by Applicable Law; (d) all accounts and other rights to payment related to any of the property described in this paragraph; (e) possession and use of any and all Credit Files pertaining to the Mortgage Loan or pertaining to the past, present or prospective servicing of the Mortgage Loan; (f) to the extent applicable, all rights and benefits relating to the direct solicitation of the related Mortgagors for refinance or modification of the Mortgage Loans and attendant right, title and interest in and to the list of such Mortgagors and data relating to their respective Mortgage Loans; and (g) all rights, powers and privileges incident to any of the foregoing.