Child Care Program means a person or business that offers child care.
Managed Care Program means the process that determines Medical Necessity and directs care to the most appropriate setting to provide quality care in a cost-effective manner, including Prior Authorization of certain services.
Federal Health Care Program means any “federal health care program” as defined in 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(f), including Medicare, state Medicaid programs, state CHIP programs, TRICARE and similar or successor programs with or for the benefit of any Governmental Authority.
Care Plan means a licensee's written description of a resident's needs, preferences, and capabilities, including by whom, when, and how often care and services are to be provided.
Software Program means the software program used by a Fund for providing Fund and account balance information including net asset value per share. Such Program may include the Lion System. In situations where the Lion System or any other Software Program used by a Fund is not available, such information may be provided by telephone. The Lion System shall be provided to Insurance Company at no charge.
Non-Administrator Coordinated Home Care Program means a Coordinated Home Care Program which does not have an agreement with the Claim Administrator or a Blue Cross Plan but has been certified as a home health agency in accordance with the guidelines established by Medicare.
Care provider means a duly qualified or licensed home health aide or homemaker, personal care aide or nurse provided through a licensed home health care agency or referred by a licensed referral agency or licensed nurses registry.
Participating Hospice Care Program Provider means a Hospice Care Program Provider that either: (i) has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield to provide services to participants in this benefits program, or; (ii) a Hospice Care Program Provider which has been designated by a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan as a Participating Provider Option program.
Licensed health care provider means a physician, physician assistant, chiropractor, advanced registered nurse practitioner, nurse, physical therapist, or athletic trainer licensed by a board.
Licensed health care professional means a person who possesses a professional medical license that is valid in Oregon. Examples include, but are not limited to, a registered nurse (RN), nurse practitioner (NP), licensed practical nurse (LPN), medical doctor (MD), osteopathic physician (DO), respiratory therapist (RT), physical therapist (PT), physician assistant (PA), or occupational therapist (OT).
Education program means any program that is principally engaged in the provision of education, including, but not limited to, early childhood education, elementary and secondary education, postsecondary education, special education, job training, career and technical education, and adult education, and any program that is administered by an educational agency or institution.
Healthcare provider means any person or entity including a hospital, physician or a network of providers that provided healthcare services and/or treatments to or on behalf of a Settlement Program Claimant.
Healthcare Professional means any member of the medical, dental, pharmacy or nursing professions or any other person who in the course of his or her professional activities may prescribe, recommend, purchase, supply, or administer a pharmaceutical product.
Health care provider or "provider" means:
Family child care provider means a person who: (a) Provides
Licensed health care practitioner means a physician, as defined in Section 1861(r)(1) of the Social Security Act, a registered professional nurse, licensed social worker or other individual who meets requirements prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Qualified health care provider means a health care provider who:
Health care professional means a physician or other health care practitioner licensed, accredited, registered, or certified to perform specified health care services consistent with state law.
Health care plan means any contract, policy or other arrangement for benefits or services for medical or dental care or treatment under:
COVERED HEALTHCARE SERVICES means any service, treatment, procedure, facility, equipment, drug, device, or supply that we have reviewed and determined is eligible for reimbursement under this plan.
Education program or activity means locations, events, or circumstances for which the school district exercises substantial control over both the respondent and the context in which the sexual harassment occurs and includes school district education programs or activities that occur on or off of school district property.
Dependent care assistance program or "DCAP" means a benefit plan whereby school employees may pay for certain employment related dependent care with pretax dollars as provided in the salary reduction plan under chapter 41.05 RCW pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Sec. 129 or other sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
Emergency medical care provider means an individual who has been trained to provide emergency and nonemergency medical care at the first responder, EMT-basic, EMT-intermediate, EMT-paramedic, paramedic specialist or other certification levels recognized by the department before 1984 and who has been issued a certificate by the department.
Non-Participating Hospice Care Program Provider means a Hospice Care Program Provider that either: (i) does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield to provide services to participants in this benefits program, or; (ii) a Hospice Care Program Provider which has not been designated by a Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan as a Participating Provider Option program.
Indian Health Care Provider means a health care program
Rehabilitation Program means a written vocational rehabilitation program: