Examples of Category 1 institution in a sentence
Except where NZQA otherwise requires, a Category 1 institution applying for accreditation is not required to provide a self-reflective practice report addressing the pātai arotake for accreditation.
B o a r d A p p r o v e d : A u g u s t 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 ACCREDITATION Jackson Theological Seminary is a member of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS), PO Box 328, Forest, VA 24551; Telephone: 434-525-9539; e- mail: info@tracs.org, having been awarded Candidacy Status as a Category 1 institution byTRACS’ Accreditation Commission on October 27, 2020 ; this status is effective for a period of five years.
While this is permissible under both the interim and future legal MFI frameworks in Guinea, it is the team’s opinion that none of the C3s would be able to fulfill all of the requirements (see Annex C for full details) to be registered independently, as a Category 1 institution (cooperative based MFI).
The Group was designated by the HKMA as a Category 1 institution with effect from 1 October 2017 .
By not having a categorisation an institution is unable to take advantage of the ability for a Category 1 institution to carry out its own English proficiency test and is for all intents andpurposes a Category 2.
ACCREDITATION Jackson Theological Seminary is a member of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS), PO Box 328, Forest, VA 24551; Telephone: 434-525-9539; e-mail: info@tracs.org, having been awarded Candidacy Status as a Category 1 institution by TRACS’ Accreditation Commission on October 27, 2020 ; this status is effective for a period of five years.
In no event shall Intellipharmaceutics be required to supply during any period covered by any Rolling Forecast more than one hundred twenty five percent (125%) of the total amount of Products covered by such forecast, but Intellipharmaceutics shall use reasonable commercial efforts to supply any amounts of Product ordered hereunder by Mallinckrodt to the extent in excess of such amount.