Category 1 vehicle definition
Examples of Category 1 vehicle in a sentence
Employees who have three (3) Category 1 vehicle preventable accidents in any twenty-four (24) month period may be dismissed from service.
Sealed quotations are invited from competitive vehicle owners/contractors for providing the service of a Category 1 vehicle Toyota Innova Air Conditioned Car registered on or after 01-01-2019 for State Programme Monitoring and Support Unit, NHM, Thiruvananthapuram for official purpose.
Installing Official: I now declare you in the name of CTSO, the secretary.
A sport utility vehicle marked with a sign, letters, identification numbers or emblem advertising or associating it in any way with a commercial enterprise, other than those which identify the vehicle maker or dealer, shall be considered as a Category 1 vehicle.
Employees who have three (3) Category 1 vehicle accidents in any twenty- four (24) month period may be dismissed from service.