Examples of Category 2 vehicle in a sentence
If all food is purchased pre- made/wrapped then a list of suppliers is to be provided. For a Category 2 vehicle, the latest inspection report for the commercial kitchen is to be supplied with the application. The application is to be accompanied by a Plan of Management that is specific to that vehicle.
No Category 1 or Category 2 vehicle may be parked in the front setback of a residential property, including that portion of a driveway located within the front setback.Attachment: proposed ordinance (4284 : DO NOT PUSH THIS ITEM OVER 24.11.060C Commercial vehicle ordinance)b.
These technologies have the potential to significantly impact the pharmaceutical industry, and more broadly the healthcare industry, in the next decade.
No more than two Category 1 vehicles per residential unit may be stored or parked on a residential property at any time.c. No more than one Category 2 vehicle per residential unit may be stored or parked on a residential property at any time.c. Parking or storage of Category 3 vehicles is prohibited in all residential districts.