CDI Rate definition
Examples of CDI Rate in a sentence
The Purchase Price to be paid for each Target Share shall be adjusted by the variation of the CDI Rate assessed from June 8, 2012 until and including the Auction Settlement Date (as defined below).
The Purchase Price to be paid for each Target Share shall be adjusted by the variation of the CDI Rate assessed from August 19, 2013 until and including the Auction Date (as defined below).
R$29.02 represents the base offer price plus accrued interest at the CDI Rate from June 8, 2012 through and including August 18, 2013, a recent date, and is being disclosed for illustrative purposes.
The LFTs had remuneration rates varying between 13.65% to 13.90% on September 30, 2022 (9.12% to 9.50% on December 31, 2021).(4) Debentures are medium and long term debt securities, which give their holders a right of credit against the issuing company, The debentures have remuneration varying from TR+1% to 114.29% of the CDI Rate on September 30, 2022 (TR+1% to 114.83% of the CDI Rate on December 31, 2021).
The transaction was a revolving loan, whose benchmark return rate was 103.0% of the CDI Rate and had a maturity of 12 months.