Examples of Council of governments in a sentence
So even if they are all done with that, and there is no additional medical cost to come, this policy says that they are barred and banned from joining the military.
Council of governments; Association of Counties, reach out to others working on landfills and gather data. Future conversations and brainstorming sessions to provide input; bring in people with expertise in landfill operations. Take current Franchise and look at what we like and what we want to change—list to work from.
All individuals under this agreement shall be regulated by their respective licensing board which has jurisdiction to investigate complaints made by any third (3rd) parties.
The Northern Arizona Council of governments completed a Passenger Transportation Study in 2018 that serves as a long-term strategy for enhancing passenger transportation services in Coconino County.
North Central Ohio Regional Council of Governments (NCORcog)NCORcog is a legally separate body politic and corporate served by a eight-member Board of Directors that meets the definition of regional Council of governments under Chapter 167 of the Ohio Revised Code.