Examples of CER Component in a sentence
Component 4: Contingency Emergency Response (CER) Component (US$0 million).
Positiveand negative list of goods, services and works 4Bank Safeguard apply to the implementation of all activities under the CER Component.
W-11 [hereinafter “WHSCA”].This fairly standard division of powers situation was resolved in standard ways.99 In line with recent case law, the decision penned by the team of Karakatsanis and LeBel JJ.
ConditionsSource Of FundNameTypeIDAProject Operations ManualEffectivenessDescription of ConditionThe Project Implementing Entity has adopted the Project Operations Manual.Source Of FundNameTypeIDACondition of Disbursement for Contingent Emergency Response ComponentDisbursementDescription of ConditionThe Recipient has determined that an Eligible Crisis/Emergency has occurred, and requested assistance under CER Component; The Bank has accepted the request and notified the Recipient.
As a result, the cost of the CER Component will be US$11 million.