Certificate of organization means the certificate required by section 489.201. The term includes the certificate as amended or restated.
Formation means a body of rock characterized by a degree of lithologic homogeneity which is prevailingly, but not necessarily, tabular and is mappable on the earth's surface or traceable in the subsurface.
Certificate of Formation means the Certificate of Formation of the Company filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware as referenced in Section 2.1, as such Certificate of Formation may be amended, supplemented or restated from time to time.
Articles of Organization means all documents constituting, at any particular time, the articles of
Regional economic integration organization means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given region to which its member States have transferred competence in respect of matters governed by this Convention and which has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention;
Jurisdiction of formation means the jurisdiction whose law includes the organic law of an entity.
Certificate of Limited Partnership means the Certificate of Limited Partnership of the Partnership filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware as referenced in Section 7.2, as such Certificate of Limited Partnership may be amended, supplemented or restated from time to time.
Depositor’s Formation Documents means the Certificate of Formation of Nissan Auto Leasing LLC II, dated as of October 24, 2001 and the Limited Liability Company Agreement of Nissan Auto Leasing LLC II, dated as of October 29, 2001.
Stewardship organization means an organization, association, or
Certificate of Catholic Practice means a certificate issued by the family’s parish priest (or the priest in charge of the church where the family attends Mass) in the form laid down by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. It will be issued if the priest is satisfied that at least one Catholic parent or carer (along with the child, if he or she is over seven years old) have (except when it was impossible to do so) attended Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation for at least five years (or, in the case of the child, since the age of seven, if shorter). It will also be issued when the practice has been continuous since being received into the Church if that occurred less than five years ago. It is expected that most Certificates will be issued on the basis of attendance. A Certificate may also be issued by the priest when attendance is interrupted by exceptional circumstances which excuse from the obligation to attend on that occasion or occasions. Further details of these circumstances can be found in the guidance issued to priests http://rcdow.org.uk/education/governors/admissions/
State Water Control Law means Chapter 3.1 (§ 62.1-44.2 et seq.) of Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia.
Serialization within the enterprise identifier means each item produced is assigned a serial number that is unique among all the tangible items produced by the enterprise and is never used again. The enterprise is responsible for ensuring unique serialization within the enterprise identifier.
Delaware Business Trust Act means Chapter 38 of Title 12 of the Delaware Code, 12 Del. Code Section 3801 et seq., as it may be amended from time to time.
Certificate of origin means the document provided by the manufacturer of a new motor vehicle, or
Incorporation means the process established by Title 10, Chapter 2, Part 1,
Public-private partnership agreement means an agreement
Coordinated care organization means an organization meeting criteria adopted by the
Business organization means an individual, partnership, association, joint stock company, trust, corporation or other legal business entity or successor thereof.
Company Governing Documents means the Company Bylaws and the Company Certificate.
Technology startup company means a for profit business that
Uniform business entity application means the current version of the NAIC Uniform Business Entity Application for resident and nonresident business entities.
Public-private partnership means an arrangement or agreement, occurring on or after January 1, 2017, between a procurement unit and one or more contractors to provide for a public need through the development or operation of a project in which the contractor or
Locational UCAP means unforced capacity that a Member with available uncommitted capacity sells in a bilateral transaction to a Member that previously committed capacity through an RPM Auction but now requires replacement capacity to fulfill its RPM Auction commitment. The Locational UCAP Seller retains responsibility for performance of the resource providing such replacement capacity.
Transit-oriented development means infrastructure improvements that are located within 1/2 mile of a transit station or transit-oriented facility that promotes transit ridership or passenger rail use as determined by the board and approved by the municipality in which it is located.
Review organization means a disability insurer regulated
Procurement organization means an eye bank, organ procurement organization, or tissue bank.