Chairman of the Commission definition
Examples of Chairman of the Commission in a sentence
The Chairman of the Commission reserves the right to limit the amount of time that will be allowed for each individual to speak.
Not to exceed $2,500 of the amount author- ized to be appropriated for any fiscal year under subparagraph (A) may be used, subject to the ap- proval of the Chairman of the Commission, for reception and entertainment expenses.
The mechanism for the transfer of NRC’s authority to a State is an agreement signed by the Governor of the State and the Chairman of the Commission, in accordance with section 274b of the Act.
Funds from that account shall be disbursed upon vouchers approved by the Chairman of the Commission.
The Chairman of the Commission, during the period of his service as Chairman, shall receive an annual salary at the annual rate payable from time to time for level III of the Executive Schedule.
The Chairman of the Commission shall normally convene a regular session of the Commission every year unless otherwise directed by a majority of the Members.
If the parties are un- able to agree upon the selection of an arbitrator, the Chairman of the Commission shall serve in that capacity (except as to matters required to be decided by the Commission, pursuant to sec- tion 562(a) of this title).
The Chairman of the Commission shall be designated by the Sec- retary.
In general, the Chairman of the Commission would, along with other members/ officials, shall review work of the consultants.The Commission may require the Consultant to convene workshops or meetings on the assigned theme.
One of these appointees is designated as Chairman of the Commission and must be approved by the Board of Commissioners.