Examples of Chairperson (the Chair in a sentence
If there is no Vice Chairperson, the Chair shall appoint a Vice Chairperson on a quarterly rotating basis.
Upon appointment as the Chair, as an Independent Board Member or DTAG Chairperson, the Chair or Independent Board Member or DTAG Chairperson (as applicable) will automatically be appointed ex officio as a Board Councillor and, as such, a Non-Voting Council Member, without any further process, procedure or approval being required.
The day following the due date set by the NACURH Chairperson, the Chair will announce which letters have been received and for which position a written bid will be presented (only one position will be announced for each candidate).
In the event of an emergency as deemed by the Chairperson, the Chair of the Department of Nursing may call a special meeting with less than the five days priornotice.
If an actual or potential conflict of interest arises, the Director shall promptly inform the Chairperson, the Chair of the Nomination & Governance Committee, the Chair of the Audit Committee, and the Corporate Secretary.
In the absence of the Chairperson, the Chair Pro-tem may sign any documents required to be signed by the Chairperson.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, the Chair- Elect, the President and CEO (ex-officio) and not more than four (4) additional committee members selected by the Chair of the Nominating Committee and the Board Chair and approved by the SOCAP Board of Directors in order to assure the broadest possible representation of the SOCAP membership.
Approval Date: February 2015Revised Date(s):Regulatory Committee Chairperson: Position DescriptionEach Committee Chairperson (the Chair) is appointed by and accountable to the Council.
In the event of a vacancy in the position of Chairperson, the Chair of the Policy committee shall see to the carrying out of the duties of the Chairperson.
The County Board or designee shall call for the first meeting of the SWFSC and, upon election of the Chairperson, the Chair shall officially convene each meeting of the SWFSC.