Examples of Chartered Architectural Technologist in a sentence
The educational standards required of a Chartered Architectural Technologist as illustrated above are based upon the requirements for CIAT Accreditation of Honours and Masters Degrees in Architectural Technology and as such holders of these awards are recognised as having achieved the necessary standards through study.
Your Chartered Architectural Technologist will negotiate and agree how your project satisfies these standards and inform you if there are any issues that may require alternative solutions.
Having a clear understanding of each of these roles will assist you, the client and the Chartered Architectural Technologist in documenting the nature of the services that have been contracted.
It is important to note that they may attract further costs.How do I go about selecting and employing a builder/contractor?Selecting a builder/contractorYou may already know which builder you wish to employ, but if not, you can seek assistance from your Chartered Architectural Technologist in the selection and employment of a builder.
At the time of starting the work, there may be no immediate call for it, but it is important that if the need for these certificates is anticipated, you should inform your Chartered Architectural Technologist in writing at the very earliest opportunity.
All programmes will need to demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Chartered Architectural Technologist both in practice and as part of the wider construction team.
The standard routes to qualify as a Chartered Architectural Technologist consist of three distinct stages including a three or four year full time Accredited Honours degree (Stage 1), completion of a monitored Professional Assessment or Professional and Occupational Performance Record application with technical assessment of explanations and supporting evidence (Stage 2) and successfulattendance at a Professional Assessment Interview with a portfolio (Stage 3).
Accreditation GuidelinesAt least one member of the Architectural Technology programme team must be an Associate member, ACIAT, and by the following stage of the Accreditation process (i.e.Accreditation or Accreditation Review) there must be at least one Chartered Architectural Technologist, MCIAT.Accreditation documentsAccreditation documents are considered private and confidential between CIAT, the visiting Accreditation Panel and the educational establishment.
Management of the overall phase 2 budget.s) Include for the appointment of a Structural Engineer / Conservation Accredited Architect, Chartered Building Surveyor or Chartered Architectural Technologist with relevant significant past experience in dealing with listed and historic buildings, to input where required on the project.t) Include for the appointment of an Arboriculturalist to advice on vegetation management/removal.
Its Full Members were granted the use of the title Chartered Architectural Technologist, a protected title which CIAT alone has the authority to award.