Examples of CitiPhone Banking in a sentence
You may choose to use either the AVR-Automatic Voice Response System or talk to CitiPhone Banking Officer available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.*Outside Bangkok metro area dials 02-1588.
Balance CheckingWhen receiving the monthly statement, the Cardmember should check the monthly statement with the Sale Slips that you keep as the evident.If there are any errors on the statement, please call CitiPhone Banking 1588 at least 7 days before statement due date, and then follow up with document such as a copy of sales slips, etc.
The Card member may set any Triggers with the Bank through CitiPhone Banking or by conventional written instructions to the Bank.The Card member is responsible to acquaint himself with the detailed process for using CitiAlert and the Bank is not responsible for any error by the Card member in setting the Triggers.To set Triggers over the Citibank India web-site, the Card member will be required to use the Citibank Online Facility and the Terms and Conditions relating thereto will apply.
At this moment in our history, the preservation of our democracy is at stake.
CitiPhone Banking enables you to make automatic transactions and retrieve information regarding your Citibank Credit Card account anywhere at any time.
CitiPhone Banking offers a more efficient and faster alternative for the customer.
Please find more detail in payment channel and fees table.6. Pay by Funds Transfer Via CitiPhone Banking 1588 (if you have a Citibank savings account)The Cardmember can transfer funds by phone to settle the credit card bills.
Or if you do not have a T-PIN code or forget it, you can request from a CitiPhone Banking Officer.Remarks: If you have more than one Citibank account, you can use a single T-PIN code for all your banking transactions.
The interest rate that is used will be based on Citibankûs interest structure which is in accordance with the rate announced to the law.Please call 24-hour CitiPhone Banking at 1588 for information on your outstanding balance, available credit line, revolving credit, etc.
In the event that your Citibank Card is lost or stolen ë If you card is lost or stolen within domestic, call CitiPhone Banking 1588 or (02)1588 (outsideBangkok)ë If you card is lost or stolen aboard, you can contact CitiPhone Banking at (662) 232-2484 CitiPhone Banking Officer will cancel your lost card and issue you a new Citibank Credit Card.