Examples of Clark County Code in a sentence
When a term is not defined, it shall have the meaning provided in Section 0, Chapter 9.08 of the Clark County Code, Nevada Revised Sta- tutes (NRS) § 445B, the Federal Clean Air Act, or common usage, in that order of priority.
The zoning plan review fee shall not be charged when a “major project fee” is collected pursuant to Clark County Code Title 30.
All buildings, structures, ATS or earthen features regulated by this Chapter, Clark County Code Title 24 Chapter 24.40, and the technical codes which are structurally inadequate, or are geotechnically unstable, or have inadequate egress, or which constitute a fire or life safety hazard, or threaten the Las Vegas Valley Storm Sewer System, are for the purpose of this Chapter and the technical codes designated as unsafe.
All permits regulated by Title 22 and Title 25 shall be issued only to contractors who hold a valid and active Nevada State Contractors License covering the scope of work authorized by the permit and who hold a valid and active Clark County business license as required by Title 6 of the Clark County Code.
Further information on protection for whistleblowers is located Clark County Code section 2.38.040 (Appeal for reprisal or retaliatory action against county officer or employee who discloses improper governmental action).
The provisions of the agreement shall be in addition to all other pertinent Clark County Code requirements.
The City agrees to manage the subject property in a manner consistent with the legislative declarations and objectives set forth in RCW 84.34.010-020 and RCW 84.34.200-250 and in Chapter 3.24 of the Clark County Code.
The company would then refund the unearned portion of the premium for the mine subsidence coverage and would indicate that refund as a debit to premium collected when filing its next quarterly report.
Refusal by students, faculty, or staff to comply with this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action.
This program is funded through the special motor vehicle fuel tax which is provided by the Nevada Revised Statutes and Clark County Code.