Examples of Class day in a sentence
Class day count is based on the official institution calendar for the school, not the specific course dates.
Class day is on the last day of senior attendance, usually the Wednesday or Thursday before graduation.
Counter: 10:00-11:30, 12:30-15:30 from Monday to Friday (Class day) 12:30-15:30 from Monday to Friday (Non-class day)※Closed on national holidays or during university designated summer/winter break or holidays.Tel: 03-3238-4621Email: dorm-co@sophia.ac.jp 2.
To cancel your initial Class date and obtain a refund, you must notify Hilti via email at anchortraining@hilti.com at least two weeks prior to Class day.
Likewise, student gender, as well as ethnicity, age, free/reduced lunch eli- gibility, and prior course grade were class-mean centered (around the average score for the class).4 Class day (time) and the value of the outcome variable from the prior class session were grand-mean centered since they were simply control variables in these models, as were the class-level covariates.