Examples of Classification status in a sentence
Applicants must provide a copy of their current approved Classification status by the State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services, (“DAS”), with their Application as a prequalified General Contractor, Group B or Group C.
The District will comply fully with the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) that prohibits bullying, discrimination and harassment by school employees and students on school property or at a school function by school employees and students based on, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, actual or perceived Protected Classification status any other legally protected status.
Maintain a climate of mutual respect and dignity regardless of actual or perceived Protected Classification status as defined in the Protected Classifications section below, which will strengthen each student’s self-concept and promote confidence to learning.
Classification status may be re-examined upon the initiative of the Residency Officer in the exercise of sound discretion.
Take part in all district activities on an equal basis regardless of actual or perceived Protected Classification status or any other legally protected status.
Classification status in other countries (especially Australia, UK, USA, Canada).
It Minutes recorded that on 31st March, 2014, the Company’s IRAC (Income Regulation and Asset Classification) status at that time was ‘Standard Asset’.
Applicants must provide a copy of their current approved Classification status by the State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services, (“DAS”), with their Application as a prequalified Sitework or General Contractor, Group B or Group C.
Employees currently in the positions of Molders, Floor Person, and Set-Up personnel will retain their current Classification status, in accordance with seniority and will be grandfathered in their Classification.
Classification status of a loan account is determined based on the length of overdue period.