Examples of Classroom hour in a sentence
Classroom hour credit must not be accepted for courses of less than two hours.
Classroom hour may only be obtained where the minimum length of the educational offering is 15 hours and the individual successfully completes an examination pertinent to that educational offering.
Classroom hour," for the purpose of determining whether a course of study meetsthe requirements of section 17412(2)(a) or 17435(2)(b) of the code, MCL333.17412(2)(a) or MCL 333.17435(2)(b), means a 54 to 60 minute period of lecture,group discussion, or laboratory directly associated with a course in pharmacology.
You may request details of personal information that we hold about you in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth).
The definitions in this section apply to WAC 246-808-201 through 246-808-211, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:(1) "Classroom hour" means 50 minutes of instruction.