Break Time. For daily work assignments of six or more hours, permanent and probationary employees (except bus drivers and bus aides) shall be entitled to one 15-minute break for each half of the work assignment. For work assignments of less than six hours, such employees shall be entitled to one 15-minute break. Employees who spend a majority of the workday working with a Video Display Terminal (VDT) shall be permitted to perform other job-related duties (i.e., work not involving use of a VDT) 10 continuous minutes out of each hour. Such time shall not be cumulative and shall be in addition to break time established above.
Break Time. All full-time employees who work eight (8) hours per day shall be entitled to two (2) fifteen (15) minute breaks each day. All employees who work from at least six (6) hours per day and up to seven and one-half (7½) hours per day shall be entitled to one (1) fifteen (15) minute break each day. Break time shall be considered time worked. Break time is not cumulative or reimbursable through compensatory time. Break time must be taken at a time convenient with the immediate supervisor. At the beginning of the work year, the immediate supervisor shall inform each employee in writing of his/her scheduled break time. The employee shall not be required to take breaks at lunch time.
Break Time. The Board and the Association agree that full-time assistants need to have convenience breaks that do not disrupt the continuity of the education program. Breaks may not occur to shorten the workday. The building administration or immediate supervisor and assistant will communicate how convenience breaks (up to two per day) may occur including:
1. Consideration of program needs and natural break opportunities
2. Xxxxx train to release assistant
3. Use of support teacher to release assistant
Break Time. With the exception of bus operators and bus attendants there shall be a ten (10) minute break with each four (4) hours worked. Employees will be available for work during break time.
Break Time. All employees who work at least eight (8) hours per day shall be entitled to two fifteen-minute break times each day. All employees working less than eight (8) hours per day but more than four (4) hours per day shall receive one fifteen-minute break time. All employees working overtime will be entitled to an additional fifteen-minute break time for every four (4) hours of overtime worked.
Break Time. There shall be provided to employees covered by this Agreement two (2) fifteen (15) minute breaks for each full eight (8) hour shift of scheduled work, the terms and conditions of which said breaks shall be governed and controlled by such rules and regulations as may, from time to time, be duly promulgated by the Employer.
Break Time. (a) Eight (8) hour employees shall be entitled to a paid one-half (1/2) hour lunch period during the employee's eight (8) hour day. If an eight (8) hour employee is required by the Building Administrator (Principal or Assistant Principal) to give up his/her lunch period due to conditions in the Building which mandate that this take place, he/she will be given either: (a) a duty-free thirty (30) minute break during the day; or
(b) an additional thirty (30) minutes of pay for the day, as determined by the Building Administrator.
Break Time. Bargaining unit members shall be entitled to one fifteen-minute break during each continuous four-hour work session.
Break Time. Break Times shall be scheduled by the City, and will allow the employee fifteen (15) minutes of duty free time off with pay. At least one employee shall be allowed off the floor at any one time.
Break Time. There will be one (1) fifteen (15) minute paid break during a three (3) or four (4) hour workday. There will be two (2) fifteen (15) minute paid breaks allowed during a five (5) hour or six (6) hour workday. A thirty