Client Proposal definition
Examples of Client Proposal in a sentence
Authority and agreement will have been deemed to be given by the client and acceptance of the Client Proposal, terms of contract and agreement of the Client Proposal by making payment of the Survey Fee payment to iPlans.
If, as part of your Client Proposal, You receive Delegate Contact Data, this will be outlined on your Client Proposal including details on how the data has been collected by us - under the Company’s legitimate interest or full third-party consent.
Firms will be awarded points in the following categories: Category Please provide at least three (3) references: Name & Address of Current Client Proposal Page The proposer states that he/she has carefully examined the specifications of having carefully examined the proposal documents and being familiar with the requirements therein, hereby submits their proposal to provide such services meeting the requirements outlined in this RFP.
KBI BioPharma will retain all completed testing documentation and testing related documentation for a minimum of one (1) year beyond the completion of the Client Proposal.
Further, Buyer may, prior to Closing Date, notify Sellers in writing that Buyer has determined, in its sole discretion, that if such Unlisted Client Service Contract or Unlisted Client Proposal were assumed by Buyer or its Affiliates performance by Buyer or its Affiliates thereof would be inconsistent with or in violation of Buyer’s Independence Obligations.
To Sellers’ Knowledge, no determination of non-responsibility has been issued against any Seller with respect to any Designated Client Proposal.
Any revisions beyond the included two (2) shall be payable to ANG at the hourly rate outlined in the initial Client Proposal.
The initial term of this Agreement shall commence as of the terms of the executed Client Proposal.
Az élelmiszerlánc sebezhetősége, a bio-terrorizmus élelmiszerláncot fenyegető veszélyei.
Any revisions beyond the included two (2) shall be payable to M7 at the hourly rate outlined in the initial Client Proposal.