Proposal definition

Proposal means the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal of the Consultant.
Proposal means the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal.
Proposal means the package of documents consisting of the Proposal Form (including this Appendix 1), the Proponent’s proposal submitted under cover of the Proposal Form, and all schedules, appendices and accompanying documents, and “proposal” means any proposal submitted by any proponent, excluding or including the Proponent, as the context requires.

Examples of Proposal in a sentence

  • Effective as of date of this Agreement, Parent hereby irrevocably withdraws, with this Agreement constituting sufficient and conclusive evidence of such withdrawal, its (i) Notice of Nomination of Candidates for Election to the Board of Directors and Stockholder Proposal dated February 12, 2025 (the “Notice”) and (ii) demand to the Company, dated January 29, 2025, to inspect certain books, records and documents of the Company pursuant to Section 220 of the DGCL.

  • Only those Solutions included within Supplier’s Proposal and within Scope (Included Solutions) are included within the Agreement and may be offered to Participating Entities.

  • Yes * 3 Identify all subsidiaries, D.B.A., authorized affiliates, and any other entity that will be responsible for offering and performing delivery of Solutions within this Proposal (i.e. Responsible Supplier(s) that will execute a master agreement with Sourcewell).

  • Supplier’s standard form agreements may be offered as part of its Proposal.

  • Supplier’s Proposal to the above referenced RFP is incorporated into this Master Agreement.

More Definitions of Proposal

Proposal means the submission by the Proponent.
Proposal means a response to a request for proposal, request for bid, or request for quotation.
Proposal means a written offer to furnish Supplies or Services in response to a Request for Proposals. This term may be further defined in the Purchasing Policy Manual and/or in competitive solicitations issued by the City.
Proposal means the Respondent’s proposal submitted in response to the RFP.
Proposal means the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal for the provision of the Services submitted by a bidder in response to RFP.
Proposal means a written response to the RFP that is submitted by a Proponent;