Cannabis retailer means any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains usable cannabis from cannabis cultivators and cannabis items from cannabis manufacturers or cannabis wholesalers, and sells these to consumers from a retail store, and may use a cannabis delivery service or a certified cannabis handler for the off-premises delivery of cannabis items and related supplies to consumers. A cannabis retailer shall also accept consumer purchases to be fulfilled from its retail store that are presented by a cannabis delivery service which will be delivered by the cannabis delivery service to that consumer.
MSO means a cable operator who has been granted registration under rule 11 of the Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994 and who receives a programming service from a broadcaster and re-transmits the same or transmits his own programming service for simultaneous reception either by multiple subscribers directly or through one or more local cable operators;
Subscriber Management System means a system or device which stores the subscriber records and details with respect to name, address and other information regarding the hardware being utilized by the subscriber, channels or bouquets of channels subscribed by the subscriber, price of such channels or bouquets of channels as defined in the system, the activation or deactivation dates and time for any channel or bouquets of channels, a log of all actions performed on a subscriber’s record, invoices raised on each subscriber and the amounts paid or discount allowed to the subscriber for each billing period;
Medical cannabis card means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.
Universal Digital Loop Carrier (UDLC means the DLC system that has a CO terminal channel bank that is connected to the CO switches on the analog side.
CCMA means the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration established in terms of section 112 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995;
PPC means prior period coverage. PPC is the period of time, prior to the member’s enrollment, during which a member is eligible for covered services. The time-frame is the first day of the month of application or the first eligible month, whichever is later, until the day a member is enrolled with a contractor.
Payment Initiation Service Provider or “PISP” means an authorised third party provider which provides a service that allows that third party to pass payment instructions to us on your behalf in relation to your Account.
Orthodontic means a type of specialist dental treatment carried out by an orthodontist that diagnoses, prevents and corrects mispositioned teeth and jaws and misaligned bite patterns.
Teaching hospital means a hospital that trains students to become physicians, nurses or other health or laboratory personnel.
CMA means the Competition and Markets Authority or any successor body;
Education service provider means an education management organization, school
Paypoint means the specific rate of remuneration payable to employees within a Classification Level.
CGM means the officer - in-charge of the CGM unit of DFCCIL and shall also include GM(Co) of DFCCIL.
RQFII means a Renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor approved pursuant to the relevant PRC regulations (as amended from time to time).
Crib means a bed or containment designed to accommodate an infant.
CFPC means the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
Teaching Staff means teachers and the principal or head teacher employed at the Academy.
PPO means a preferred provider organization.
LCME means Liaison Committee on Medical Education, an organization that accredits educational institutions granting degrees in medicine and surgery. The board approves programs that are accredited by LCME.
CBO means a community-based organization;
Medical flexible spending arrangement or "medical FSA" means a benefit plan whereby eligible state employees may reduce their salary before taxes to pay for medical expenses not reimbursed by insurance as provided in the salary reduction plan established under chapter
GM means genetically modified.
CSO means a combined sewer overflow which is a discharge to the environment at designated location(s) from a Combined Sewer or Partially Separated Sewer that usually occurs as a result of precipitation when the capacity of the Sewer is exceeded. An intervening time of twelve hours or greater separating a CSO from the last prior CSO at the same location is considered to separate one overflow Event from another.
Ambulatory surgical facility means a facility that:
We/Our/Us means the Underwriters named in the Schedule.