Examples of Cold water fisheries in a sentence
Cold water fisheries with necessary backward and forward integration/linkages.
Cold water fisheries (CWF) within the Watershed include all unnamed tributaries east of Loyalton and Bear Creek.
Cold water fisheries supporting native populations of brook, brown and rainbow trout include Stickney Brook, Salmon Brook and Canoe Brook and numerous other smaller brooks.
Cold water fisheries with necessary backward and forward integration/ linkages.
Cold water fisheries development interim report.FAO, Report, Project PAK/88/048, Rome.
Cold water fisheries of India.PracticalsAnalysis of species composition of commercial catches at landing and assembling centers, sampling and familiarization of commercially important groups.
Cold water fisheries can generally exist only in relatively unproductive lakes with low or moderate nutrient levels.Fisheries information will probably only be available for well-studied lakes or lakes that are monitored by resource agencies or utilities.
For example, Gelb and Black (2000) surveyed 162 FDI firms and found that except for primary and infrastructure firms, all other firms relocated to South Africa because of market-seeking purposes.
Cold water fisheries are threatened by excessive extraction, and regulators have no regulatory tools to respond to this threat.
Cold water fisheries, shellfish beds, swimming beaches, groundwater recharge areas, water supply reservoirs, or habitats for threatened, endangered or special concern species.