Examples of Collection and Transportation in a sentence
Since then the authorities have been monitoring the content of various websites including Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Amazon, MSN, Hotmail and Bing and all social media websites which are used globally and have a direct impact on people.
A copy of the Non Hazardous Solid Waste Collection and Transportation Service permit issued by the authorized official from the EQB should be attached to the log book.
Like operators using a conventional weight buildup method to calculate weight and balance, an operator using an onboard weight and balance system as a primary weight and balance control system should curtail the manufacturer’s loading envelope to ensure the aircraft does not exceed the manufacturer’s certificated weight and CG limits.
All Mixed Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Transportation Vehicles shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary manner.
If any materials are spilled or leaked during Collection and Transportation, the Contractor shall clean up all spills or leaks before leaving the site of the spill.
The Hauler shall not discharge nor allow the discharge of liquid waste from Mixed Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Transportation Vehicles or containers at any location, except at the Facility or another designated Solid Waste Facility as part of a load.
All trucks or other vehicles used for collection and transportation of Municipal Waste must comply with the requirements of Act 97 and Act 101 and PA DEP regulations adopted pursuant to Act 97 and Act 101, including Title 25, Chapter 285, Subchapter B Regulations for the Collection and Transportation of Municipal Waste.
It deals among others with: Integrated Waste Management Planning, Waste Information Systems, Waste Minimisation, Recycling, Waste Collection and Transportation, Waste Treatment, Waste Disposal and Implementing Instruments.
Process for Specimen Collection and Transportation: The Facility’sInfection Preventionist or designee oversees the process for specimen collection and transportation to the laboratory ensuring that the instructions provided with the test kits and laboratory protocols are followed to prevent contamination or altered specimen that can interfere with diagnosis.
Persons desiring to transport or deliver waste in enclosed containers or enclosed vehicles to a Type IV municipal solid waste management facility are subject to special route permit application and maintenance fees set forth and described in §330.103 of this title (relating to Collection and Transportation Requirements).