Collection and Use definition
Examples of Collection and Use in a sentence
Collection and Use of Personal Data ALL data supplied by you when completing this form (including any personal data you submit) will be used for the purposes of assessing and administering your application for Social Housing Support.
Send only comments relating to our time estimate to this address, not the completed form.Privacy Act Statement Collection and Use of Personal Information Section 205(a) of the Social Security Act, as amended, authorizes us to collect this information.
CUSTOMER DATA PRIVACY C17.1 DefinitionsC-70.00C17.2 Collection and Use of Data and InformationC-71.00C17.3 Disclosure without Informed Customer ConsentC-71.00C17.4 Disclosure to ContractorsC-72.00C17.5 Customer Access to DataC-72.00C17.6 Customer Notice of Privacy PoliciesC-73.00C17.7 Limitation of LiabilityC-73.00C18.
Best Practices for Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)DHS recommends that all grantees who collect PII have a publicly-available privacy policy that describes what PII they collect, how they use the PII, whether they share the PII with third parties, and how individuals may have their PII corrected where appropriate.
CUSTOMER DATA PRIVACYC17.1 Definitions C-70.00C17.2 Collection and Use of Data and InformationC-71.00C17.3 Disclosure without Informed Customer ConsentC-71.00C17.4 Disclosure to ContractorsC-72.00C17.5 Customer Access to DataC-72.00C17.6 Customer Notice of Privacy PoliciesC-73.00C17.7 Limitation of LiabilityC-73.00C18.