Committed Offer definition
Examples of Committed Offer in a sentence
Because PJM does not propose to prevent a self-scheduled resource that offers a portion of its supply to the market on an economic basis from updating its offer between the day-ahead and real-time markets, the term Committed Offer should be amended to accommodate the fact that self-scheduled resources can change their offers.
The IMM states that PJM’s proposal to base the LOC Deviation value on a resource’s Final Offer will give a resource the ability to increase its LOC credits by simply reducing its offer in real-time.138 According to the IMM, the LOC Deviation should be based on a resource’s Committed Offer and not its Final Offer.88.
The IMM explains that it is not clear how PJM will determine the applicable megawatts for the Total Operating Reserve Offer if the desired output from a resource’s Final Offer differs from the desired output from its Committed Offer.
Relying on her own experience in the domain as teacher, she viewed that girls, regardless of their social class, were concerned to produce an exceptional future.
PJM states that this is because PJM uses the greater of the Final or Committed Offer to determine the Total Lost Opportunity Offer.
The Committed Offer of a self-scheduled resource that clears the real-time market at a point on its economic incremental energy offer curve that is above its self-scheduled quantity should be the market-based or cost- based offer upon which the resource cleared the real-time market.10.
The IMM argues that the Committed Offer for a self-scheduled resource outside the day-ahead market should be the market-based or cost-based offer at the time the resource comes online.13384.
While we reject PJM’s proposal, we clarify that the term Committed Offer should be clearly defined because there may be some instances when a self-scheduled resource’s day-ahead energy cleared output, based on an economic offer, is above that resource’s self-scheduled output.
PJM proposes that for pool-scheduled resources, the “Total Lost Opportunity Offer” will equal the hourly offer integrated under the applicable incremental energy offer curve for the LOC deviation.41 PJM explains that the applicable incremental energy offer curve will be determined by the greater of the Committed Offer or last real-time offer submitted, on which the resource was committed in the day-ahead market for each hour in an operating day.4222.
PJM argues that the term Committed Offer is clearly defined.135 PJM states that self-scheduled resources cannot have a Committed Offer and are not eligible to receive Operating Reserve payments.