Examples of Committed youth in a sentence
Committed youth generally spend time in a staff secure or/or hardware secure residential facility.
Committed youth who are on supervised release are also eligible for JCC services.
Committed youth are burdened with two additional issues, adjudication for at least one crime and commitment to a secure facility where the ability to leave the facility for any reason is often based on earned privileges.
Committed youth generally spend time in a staff secure and/or hardware secure residential facility.
Youth theatre leaders mention that retaining the same, skilled facilitator over long periods of time provides stability and that being able to pay them appropriately for their roles helps with retention.• Committed youth theatre members and good membership levels: Youth theatres thrive when they have a good group of young people who are committed and enthusiastic.
This includes Consent Decrees regardless of level of adjudicated offense (misdemeanor, felony and probation violations are eligible). Committed youth who are on supervised release status.
Committed youth held for court hearing means a youth who is currently committed to the Department and is detained pending a court hearing.
Have you checked that your costume mistress knows how to sew? Front-of-house, publicity and theatre liaison are ancillary activities requiring more than average adult involvement. Committed youth team leaders need to be named for each area. Proposals are expected to demonstrate a basic understanding of the full range of tasks being undertaken. Adult mentors, or godparents, must be named for each area of activity.
Committed youth attend as a condition of their parole, and probationers attend when they have completed a community residential program and have been granted a release date.
Id. Committed youth are reviewed quarterly and annually for parole, and at each hearing the Juvenile Panel is empowered to extend or shorten the youth’s tentative release date, depending on his orher disciplinary record and participation in institutional programming.